Jerusalem Weightloss v. A Lighter Me
I'm confused -- What are the differences between Jerusalem Weightloss and A Lighter Me? I have scheduled my surgery with Dr. Almanza through Sandy and Lupe with A Lighter Me. I see on the boards that a number of people have scheduled their surgery through Melissa and Jerusalem.
It appears both companies use the Jerusalem clinic and the recovery house and offer the same prices, so what's the difference.
Most MX surgeons have several coordinators who book patients with Dr. almanza. Sandy and Lupe and A Lighter Me is one such coordinator.
Melissa is a coordinator as well. she used to have her own business but has recently gone to work for Jerusalem Weight Loss.
Hope this helps!
Sandy was also my coordinator and I was pleased.
Melissa is a coordinator as well. she used to have her own business but has recently gone to work for Jerusalem Weight Loss.
Hope this helps!
Sandy was also my coordinator and I was pleased.
im looking for melissa the coordinator for jerusalem weight loss clinic. my email is [email protected]. please can someone help me out.
Sooooooo happy that I saw this posting of yours!!
I will keep my comments to myself, but truly I feel blessed to have read your posting above.
Thank you so much for asking that question!!

I will keep my comments to myself, but truly I feel blessed to have read your posting above.
Thank you so much for asking that question!!

Lap Band March 2007
Band Slipped -Emergency Removal May 2008
Dr. Lopez Corvala- Hospital Angeles TJ
VSG Jan. 28th, 2010
Dr. Almanza-Jerusalem Clinic
Band Slipped -Emergency Removal May 2008
Dr. Lopez Corvala- Hospital Angeles TJ
VSG Jan. 28th, 2010
Dr. Almanza-Jerusalem Clinic