Sleeve with Dr. Almanza on Thursday..HELP!!!
The unknown is what scares me most. I do not know what to expect. What do I need to take with me? What do people do all day at the recovery house? Does everyone lounge around in their PJ's or do they get dressed in regular clothes? Will I be absolutely bored at the recovery house? Keep in mind I am a very quiet person and do not generally just start conversation with anyone. Is the phone easily accessible to call home?
Are there any extra cost anyone ended up having once they got there that they did not know about before hand? I have completely paid for my surgery and do not want to bring much cash or credit cards yet I want to be prepared.
Any and all information anyone can provide me is greatly appreciated.
you are going to be so pleasantly surprised. Take comfy clothes,pj's if you like. Chapstick.Gas-x strips,slippers a heating pad,helps with gas post op,something to read if you like to read.
People do lounge around in their Pj's at the recovery house. it is very relaxed. after all we are recovering! :)Some people dress but there is no right or wrong. I can't answer if you will be bored. there is TV and shopping trips. If you are bored go every time someone goes shopping.
There will most likely be someone there who will ask you about yourself.The phone is on the table in the left hand corner in the downstairs gathering area as you are facing the big couch. You can take it up to your room for privacy if you like. If it needs charging ,you will have to stay closer to the charging unit.
Absolutely no extra costs at all. You will not have to pay for a thing unless you choose to while shopping. all food,broth,jello,Popsicles are provided when ever you want them Gatorade also. and bottled water.
Check out my blog there is a very comprehensive account of my stay in Mx.There are several other posters who have blogged on their journeys with D.r. Almanza who will probably post to you tomorrow.
These are the nicest people you would ever want to meet. They are kind and friendly and funny and genuinely seem to like working with us. The attendants at the house are all just the best.
I promise you,you have nothing to worry about. Dr. almanza is highly skilled.
I am 18 days post op and have had no problems eating drinking,taking my vitamins or anything else.
Good luck and I wish you an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. Please keep in touch when you can after your surgery. I can't wait to make room for you over here on the loser's bench!
I assure you we were somewhat freaked about going to Mexico but we were taken care of so should the people your dealing with should help you Be your self at recovery no need in binding yourself down
May The LORD Bless You
The unknown is what scares me most. I do not know what to expect. What do I need to take with me? What do people do all day at the recovery house? Does everyone lounge around in their PJ's or do they get dressed in regular clothes? Will I be absolutely bored at the recovery house? Keep in mind I am a very quiet person and do not generally just start conversation with anyone. Is the phone easily accessible to call home?
Are there any extra cost anyone ended up having once they got there that they did not know about before hand? I have completely paid for my surgery and do not want to bring much cash or credit cards yet I want to be prepared.
Any and all information anyone can provide me is greatly appreciated.
Good luck tomorrow!! You will do just fine, you are in good hands. I have been to see Dr. Almanza twice, alone both times. I felt comfortable and well taken care of both times. Take sweats and loose fitting clothing. I wore jeans on the way down, and sweats the rest of the time.
I was only in the recovery house for a day, but everyone just does their own thing. I went outside and walke as much as possible. Then all of us sat outside in the sun, it felt so good. I also went upstairs and took a short nap. There is a phone for you to use anytime you would like, they just ask that you limit it to 1/2 hour at a time.
I took $100 in cash just in case I needed it, I never went shopping so I only spent about $20. My first time down I went shopping, it was great and I got some good deals.
Good luck and keep us posted!
on 3/14/10 6:00 am
I went alone, too! And, there were absolutely no problems, either. You will be chaperoned by clinic staff, everywhere. It was my experience that other patients and their companions are likely to adopt you, while you're there. They checked up on me all the time.
I found the information I posted while I was there and it is now on my blog, if you'd like to read it. I'd give my experience a 9/10, for reasons that are explained in the blog.
If I was to do it again, I would take enough washcloths to have 1 for each day of showering, and then just toss them. I think a dollar store would be a good place to go or perhaps Wal-Mart, to get a package of these.
I would also take all of my old underwear (well, ok, 1 decent pair for the surgery

Slippers are a must as is Gas-X
- If you check my posts, you'll see I gave a list of things to another patient but it was a few weeks ago.
I wish you the very best with your surgery and your recovery! Everything will be great!
Everything went pretty much as everyone said it would. The staff was great. I felt taken care of at all times. Everything was clean.
Thank you all for your info prior to my surgery. It was very helpful. I am pleased with my decision to have the sleeve and am excite dto move forward on my weight loss journey.