Bougie size & Dr. Almanza
Hi everybody, I've been doing some research and I have chosen Dr. Almanza as my VSG Surgeon. I just read a post about bougie size? What's the bougie? Is that the stomach size? Can somebody explain it to me and if they know what is Dr. Almanza's? . Any other feedback on Dr Almanza? What about Jerusalem vs. Emmanuel Medical? Are they the same?Sorry I sound so stupid

The new clinic name is Jeruselem Clinic. Emmanuel Clinic was the old name.
As of today the new website is
Melissa is the contact.
As far as Bougie... I dont know either.
My surgery is there April 8
Good luck
As of today the new website is
Melissa is the contact.
As far as Bougie... I dont know either.
My surgery is there April 8
Good luck
(deactivated member)
on 2/23/10 9:48 am
on 2/23/10 9:48 am
Dr. Almanza uses the same 'bougie' size, or stomach size on everyone. This is what I was told.
The Jerusalem clinic is the new building that Dr. Almanza and everyone else moved into at the beginning of the year.
This is where I had my surgery. It was interesting pulling up to the clinic in the van the very first time. The place was in the middle of a strip mall! (Remember, you are in Mexico. This is how they do things. The surroundings so reminded me of being in the Caribbean.) Once inside the front door I was blown away. Beautifully appointed. Just two floors. Amazing staff. You will love Dr. Almanza! Have you heard he's a little hottie? Now his drop-dead georgeous wife is the lead nurse in the O.R. Also a VSG-er!
The recovery houses are even more beautifully appointed then the clinic!
You will have an amazing experience.
BTW, no question on here is ever stupid. We all come here to learn from each other. Some folks are so knowledgable. I have like ten zillion bookmarks from all the great posts that I wish to reference again sometime in the future.
The Jerusalem clinic is the new building that Dr. Almanza and everyone else moved into at the beginning of the year.
This is where I had my surgery. It was interesting pulling up to the clinic in the van the very first time. The place was in the middle of a strip mall! (Remember, you are in Mexico. This is how they do things. The surroundings so reminded me of being in the Caribbean.) Once inside the front door I was blown away. Beautifully appointed. Just two floors. Amazing staff. You will love Dr. Almanza! Have you heard he's a little hottie? Now his drop-dead georgeous wife is the lead nurse in the O.R. Also a VSG-er!
The recovery houses are even more beautifully appointed then the clinic!
You will have an amazing experience.
BTW, no question on here is ever stupid. We all come here to learn from each other. Some folks are so knowledgable. I have like ten zillion bookmarks from all the great posts that I wish to reference again sometime in the future.
Dr. Almanza uses a 32ff bougie. Bougie is a French word for candle....that is basically what it looks like. It is a thin cylinder inserted to create your new stomach while sectioning off and removing the rest.
Some people's eating capacity will differ because the longer your torso/the longer your stomach, the larger your capacity....but not by that much.
JeminNV and I were there at the same time. I have a detailed post of everything on my blog and it is also posted on this forum: ce-with-Dr-Almanza/
I hope that helps :)
Some people's eating capacity will differ because the longer your torso/the longer your stomach, the larger your capacity....but not by that much.
JeminNV and I were there at the same time. I have a detailed post of everything on my blog and it is also posted on this forum: ce-with-Dr-Almanza/
I hope that helps :)
ok i had my surgery on november 25 2009 he normally uses a 32 french i asked for a 42 the reason i was concern with having a super small pouch he did it asnd i'm glad 3 months out down 55 pounds and i can eat anything just in smaller quantity
so i think the sleeve was a good choice and the sizewas also good 4 me
so i think the sleeve was a good choice and the sizewas also good 4 me