Confused about surgery
I have been talking to serveral people in Mexico about my surgery and which one to pick. Does anyone recommend one over the other. I want to get the Gastric Bypass surgery done, but I was also told the Sleeve would be better. I can only get it done in June, since I am on my last year of law school. Can anyone give me suggestions. And one other thing since you have read this which doctor is better. I was thinking about getting my surgery through Alberto Aceves
Thank you.
Thank you.
If Money isn't a factor you can pick any where you like. Mexico has a lot of real good doctors I myself money is a factor and i found that through they are very nice and will help you get the best deal

Elia Maria Saenz
I will be having Mini Gastric Bypass with Dr. Almanza on 12/11/09. I did considerable research about weight loss surgery in Mexico and being a surgical nurse I had lots of questions. All my questions were answered thoroughly and many people have posted that Dr. Almanza is great. I will post after the surgery to let everyone know. Good luck in your adventure.