Strange message in my inbox
This same subject was posted on the VSG board by another soon to be patient of Dr. Almanza...
There are CRONES, that go around trying to stir up a stink , all the time, to get patients to go to other Surgeons...I have been around here for over a year, and I have seen it too many times, to count...If, they, have not used him, themselves, they are only speaking out of the other end of their anatomy...!!
Read reports of the people that HAVE gone to Dr. Almanza...If, they, are the real deal, someone you can get in touch with, then...they are the ones that should be listened to...My opinion, only...
The best to you...
There are CRONES, that go around trying to stir up a stink , all the time, to get patients to go to other Surgeons...I have been around here for over a year, and I have seen it too many times, to count...If, they, have not used him, themselves, they are only speaking out of the other end of their anatomy...!!
Read reports of the people that HAVE gone to Dr. Almanza...If, they, are the real deal, someone you can get in touch with, then...they are the ones that should be listened to...My opinion, only...
The best to you...
On November 21, 2009 at 5:18 PM Pacific Time, wrote:
This same subject was posted on the VSG board by another soon to be patient of Dr. Almanza...There are CRONES, that go around trying to stir up a stink , all the time, to get patients to go to other Surgeons...I have been around here for over a year, and I have seen it too many times, to count...If, they, have not used him, themselves, they are only speaking out of the other end of their anatomy...!!
Read reports of the people that HAVE gone to Dr. Almanza...If, they, are the real deal, someone you can get in touch with, then...they are the ones that should be listened to...My opinion, only...
The best to you...
Sometimes, falling into traps, can be a good thing...!!!
It opens the eyes of others, to be aware of what can happen to them and to be on guard...So, don't feel did what anyone would do that has not been around the boards that long...!!!
You are NOT THE FIRST, sweetie, and you will surely, NOT BE THE LAST..!!!!
You did good, sweetheart...the ONLY ONE'S STUPID, are those that try and
pull this crap ever so often...!!!!!!
So, here's to the "REAL" Stupid people....
It opens the eyes of others, to be aware of what can happen to them and to be on guard...So, don't feel did what anyone would do that has not been around the boards that long...!!!
You are NOT THE FIRST, sweetie, and you will surely, NOT BE THE LAST..!!!!
You did good, sweetheart...the ONLY ONE'S STUPID, are those that try and
pull this crap ever so often...!!!!!!
So, here's to the "REAL" Stupid people....

I DID just get back from TJ, with Dr. Almanza. I actually came home a day early because I felt so good! I plan on posting my WHOLE experience soon, but I would tell you I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. My care far surpassed my mother's and hers was right here in the USA. I would be curious to see the e-mail you received if you still have it and tell you how off base it truly is. Happy to answer any questions for you, just ask:)
I also just got back from Tijuana with Dr. Almanza and despite a bit of a wild ride (I was the clinic's very first leak in their entire history - it had to happen eventually!) I still felt like I had a wonderful experience. The nurses were attentive and caring, Dr. Almanza was fantastic and the patient coordinators were always checking in to make sure everything was okay. I had to remain at the clinic all week but for those who went back to the house for their days of healing, they had nothing but great things to say about the house staff, the beautiful accommodations and the fact that you don't have to lift a finger if you want anything from the cupboards or have dishes to do. They even do your laundry if need be.
I got a pretty scary and almost rude email the week before I left for my surgery...a big "I don't want to tell you this but I think it's my responsibility to inform you..." kind of note and honestly, I wouldn't buy into it. Some of these people are just jealous and malisciously setting you up to stress you out, others are trying to get you to switch to a "better" surgeon and still others don't even want you to have the surgery and so they're trying to scare you off. Those people are shallow and small and I can't even get over how mean it just get this ray of hope, the answer to so many of your problems and here they are trying to scare you.
If you have any questions about Dr. Almanza, the clinic or anything for your upcoming surgery, please don't hesitate to ask me. I can honestly say that I've had the big daddy of complications, the single thing that NO ONE ever wants to have, and yet I would re-do my surgery and go back to Dr. Almanza in a heart beat. No questions asked.
Hope that helps?!
Lighter dayz ahead :)
I got a pretty scary and almost rude email the week before I left for my surgery...a big "I don't want to tell you this but I think it's my responsibility to inform you..." kind of note and honestly, I wouldn't buy into it. Some of these people are just jealous and malisciously setting you up to stress you out, others are trying to get you to switch to a "better" surgeon and still others don't even want you to have the surgery and so they're trying to scare you off. Those people are shallow and small and I can't even get over how mean it just get this ray of hope, the answer to so many of your problems and here they are trying to scare you.
If you have any questions about Dr. Almanza, the clinic or anything for your upcoming surgery, please don't hesitate to ask me. I can honestly say that I've had the big daddy of complications, the single thing that NO ONE ever wants to have, and yet I would re-do my surgery and go back to Dr. Almanza in a heart beat. No questions asked.
Hope that helps?!
Lighter dayz ahead :)