I did it I put my deposit

YAY for ELIA!!! You just took a HUGE step closer!! I know you are feeling really good about right now!!! YOUR journey is ON!! This is YOUR dream, you are doing this for YOU. Please excuse the bluntness, but if you boyfriend truly loves you, he would so happy for you and doing whatever it took to help you along this journey. Do not let him steal this joy from you...no matter what! You keep focused on the PRIZE!! When you need support or somewhere to vent...you come here to your OH friends....we support you and we understand!!!
I am so happy and so proud of you!!!!

Awww, you are so welcome! I sure hope we are friends for a long time!! We all share a common ground, which is on a very deep and emotional level! If we do not support each other, then who will!! My kids are all in good shape, my daughter can eat whatever she wants and not gain an ounce! So they aren't really understanding and have no clue how I feel sometimes!! Since the short time that I have been on OH, I have met some really incredible people!!! It sure makes our journey's a lot more bearable!! It is no fun doing this alone!!!