Medicaltourism WLS Article On CNN
FYI .. There was a short article early this a.m. on CNN News re: traveling abroad for bariatric surgery. The patient in the article was a lady who traveled to Tiajuana for lap-band surgery after her ins. co. here made it a real PITA to get it covered. Her cost in Mexico was only 1/3 that of U.S. fees and she did very well. I didn't recognize the surgeon's name.
Interesting that Dr. Sanja Gupta warned people that if complications develop during or after a procedure done in a foreign country it can mean real trouble. However, another U.S. doctor interviewed in the story went on to point out that just b/c surgery is "foreign" doesn't mean it is necessarily not safe or inferior in quality to that performed in the U.S. (yeahhh!).
Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )
My boyfriend saw that he hasn't been real supportive of my surgery but he saw that and said I should go and when he found it was the same surgery I have been researching he changed his mind I don't know what he wants but I sure know what I want. I put a down payement on my surgery and I will be making installments as I can till I have enough for my surgery.

Elia Maria Saenz