Dr. Guillermo Alvarez - Mexico

on 2/16/07 2:16 am - Madison, WI
Lap Band on 04/02/07 with
I am going to have lap-band done by this doctor on April 2nd. Everythign is falling into place and I am so excited.....and a little scared. Has anyone else ever used him? I know a lot of people have I just want to hear from someone that knows that does not actually work for the man or the clinic. I know he is board certified and even trained here in the US and in France. WOW....I am really going to do this! I cant believe it!
(deactivated member)
on 3/8/07 11:18 am - INGRAM, TX
VSG on 01/22/07 with
Dr. Alvarez did my VSG - surgery this year on January 22nd. It is the surgery where they just removed 75 percent of the stomach - period. No intestinal bypass or malabsorption issues, no maintenance, etc. I too was pursuing the lapband until I heard about the surgery I had on this site. Dr. Alvarez is even better in person than you have heard about him on here. I know - he did my surgery and I have nothing bad to say about him - only good. I live in Texas and was close enough to drive down to Mexico and have him as my surgeon. I was very fortunate - I found him and I think he is awesome. You are in good hands and best wishes on your surgery. Bobbie in Texas
on 4/27/07 10:39 am - Clearwater, FL
Thanks a lot Bobbie. There are so many doubts in my mind now about what kind of surgery. Which is the cost for the VSG..?? My concern is that it is too drastic. How have you been doing sofar..?? Appreciate your feedback. Thnaks a lot Marcelo
on 4/26/07 11:38 am - Clearwater, FL
Hi There..!! I am planning to have my Lap Band by next month with Dr Alvarez. How was your experience..?? Would very much appreciate your feedbak.! Have a great week Kind regards Marcelo
on 4/27/07 11:01 am - Clearwater, FL
Hi Laura I do hope everything went OK with your procedure. I am planning to have my lap band done by mid may. Would appreciate your feedback as well as any other info that might be relevant. I heard so many thing about the VSG that is worrying me about if this is the right procedure for me. Awaiting your comments Kind regards Marcelo
on 4/28/07 2:14 am - Madison, WI
Lap Band on 04/02/07 with
Marcelo You have chosent he best doctor you could have found. I did not have the VSG but I had the lapband placed by him in April. I will tell you my experience step by step so maybe that will allay some of your fears. I flew from Milwaukee to Memphis and then on to San Antonio. When I got to San antonio I went to baggage claim and looked around a little for Rosie while I was waiting for my bag. I found her sitting in a chair and she had my name on a white board. She is so pretty. As soon as we made eye contact and i told her I was the one she was looking for, she came up to me and hugged me and introduced me to her husband Javier. It was a Sunday so he was off and came with her because the drive is long and he worries about her. He was so kind, he wouldnt even let me carry my tiny little backpack I had brought with me. Rosie went to the other terminal to pick up the other girl that had come down the same day so javier and I walked out to the van. I started to get nervous and he could see that. He told me it was all going to be ok and just talked to me like a normal friend he had known forever. I calmed down, the other girl was found and we all got in the van for the drive to Eagle Pass. Rosie likes to chat so fel free to talk to her about anything and everything. it will help to make the drive go faster. About an hour or so into the drive we stopped at a gas station where we could all get out and stretch our legs, grab a drink or snack and use the restroom. When we got to Eagle Pass, we were taken to the Holiday Inn Express and Rosie checked us in and made sure we had everything we might need. We went up to our rooms and I can tell you, they were nice comfotable rooms. I loved all the pillows. 4 to a bed so I had 8!! LOL I was tired from the flight so I just stayed in my room, ordered Chinese food which you might want to consider not doing....I have never had curry chicken with giant fresh jalapenos in it before. It was good but VERY SPICY. And the driver that delivered it to me said he didnt have change for the $20 bill I had...so in essence he got a huge tip. Just make sure you go to the front desk for change if you decide to do this. I chatted online with my husband for the evening then I went to sleep. Yes I brought a laptop with me and I had wireless access everywhere I went. Even in the hospital. Rosie had called to tell us she would be picking us up at 6am so we were up and in the lobby waiting for her. She arrived right on time, we got in the van and made the very short trip over the Rio Grand to Piedras Negras. It was really foggy and still dark but the town is beautiful..we got to see it the next day on our way out. She drove us right up to the hospital and when we walked in, it was just plain CLEAN! there was a man cleaning in the hallway even that early in the morning. We went to Dr. Alvarez's office and then he came in. Dressed nicely and with a HUGE smile on his face. He asked which one of us wanted to talk with him first so the other girl went in with him. Rosie had left cause she has her own family to take care of. Then it was my turn to talk with Dr. A...He went over my medical history, weighed me, made jokes, and answered every silly question I had. We took some pictures with him then. He walked us over to the hospital side of the building....Showed us to our rooms and said the nurses would be in to take our blood pressure and draw some blood. The nurses dont speak ANY english but dont worry, they know exactly what they are doing and they are very good at it. I am a nurse so I was a little shocked at the methods they use but trust me....it was all great. The gal that drew our blood didnt wear any gloves but boy was she good....they use a cotton ball dipped in alcohol instead of alcohol wipes like we do in the us. Absolutely no pain form the blood draw at all. She left and the nurse came in and did our blood pressure and pulse and temperatures. Mostly communicating with hand signals. But they get their point across and they are good at understanding what we want. Dr. Alvarez was wandering back and forth and he had changed into his scrubs for the surgery. The man is just plain gorgeous! And always smiling and whistling. If you hear someone in the hallway whistling, it is him. He was going to do my surery last so I had time to get my laptop out. I couldnt get a connection in my room so Dr. A fixed that himself!!! I swear there is nothign this man cannot or will not do for his patients. So I chatted with my husband some more and read a book I had brought with me. About 1030 int he mornign it was my turn in the OR. Dr Alvarez came in and asked if I had any more questions, which I did. He answered everything and even made more jokes about promising not to remove any of my kidneys while I was out. ROFL I just knew I was in the right place. The nurses came and I transfered onto a gurney for the short trip across the hall to the OR, there is a window you slide through into the OR....Dr. A is very serious about sterility so no one walks into the OR and beds do not wheel in or out. I slid thru the window to another gurney then onto the OR table....the anesthesiologist started my IV which was a little painful but they always are. I was really getting nervous so Dr. A sat next to me and held my hand and told me it was all goign to be ok. My last words to him as I went under were to take good care of me. And he did. I woke up to a stinging pain on my belly but it was them placing the last steri-strip over my incision. I was shaking really hard from stress, anesthesia, whatever....Dr. A brought me a huge warm blanket and was grinning ear to ear as they took me from the OR, he was walking along telling me how great I did and how perfect the surgery went. I was half out of it. I was put back in my own bed. I slept a lot. The nurses come in like clockwork throughout the evening and night with a silver tray with the medications on it. I was always asking them what it was they were giving me into my IV. Not to worry, they just plain do not make mistakes. They regulate the IV manually, they add the pain and nausea meds into the IV like clockwork. I never had pain, I was not nauseous and I slept. Dr. A was in and out a lot always checking on us. The worst thing that happened to me was a huge lump in my throat from the tube they put down after you are asleep to control your airway. Man that really irritated me. So of course Dr. A brought me in some numbing throat drops to help stop that. He will do whatever it takes to make you comfortable and happy. I called my husband that night with the phone provided by Dr. A in the room. Then I walked in the halls, went to the bathroom, you will still be hooked up to the IV for meds throughout the night so just take your little pole with you. OHHH and dont walk barefoot...i did and my feet were black from the floors. LOL The hospital is clean but with people coming and going all day the floors get dirty. Honestly I slept most of the time after the surgery. In the morning, Dr. Alvarez and Rosie come back to your room. He brings in your lap-band box and a little tub of all the medications for you to take. He explains them all to you plus the instructions on them are in English so dont worry. Then Rosie helps you back out to the van and off we went back to San Antonio. I slept a lot of the way just cause the drive is long. But feel free to ask Rosie to stop and let you get out and stretch your legs. She is more than happy to do whatever it takes for your comfort. Get your drivers license and put it in your little box of medicines cause the border guards will need to see those things when you cross over. Rosie took us to the terminal to catch our plane I gave her a hug and thanked her. Then I was on my own again. I didnt need a wheelchair or any assistance, I was fine. I flew back home and was never so grateful to see Milwaukee again. Flying is uncomfortable when you are as big as me but right after surgery it was a little more so. My husband was there and we drove home. It was funny cause we stopped at perkins to eat and I had some AuJus broth, they gave it to me for free cause I told them about the surgery. My husband calls me his cheap date now! I had heard about the VSG surgery just before I went for my band also and I questioned what was the right choice for myself. But I am very glad i chose the band. I am almost one month out now. I feel great, I have had no complications and I am learning what to eat and what not to eat. I have lost over 20lbs and about 6 inches from my waist alone. Tomorrow is the day I remeasure everything and take new pics so I will add them to my profile on here. I hope this helps you. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I will answer anything you like. You have chosen the right doctor and on ly you can decide if you have chosent he right surgery. For me...I would not change it for the world! I am thrilled. Blessed Be laura
on 8/20/15 6:14 pm
On April 28, 2007 at 9:14 AM Pacific Time, cherokeegoddess wrote:
Marcelo You have chosent he best doctor you could have found. I did not have the VSG but I had the lapband placed by him in April. I will tell you my experience step by step so maybe that will allay some of your fears. I flew from Milwaukee to Memphis and then on to San Antonio. When I got to San antonio I went to baggage claim and looked around a little for Rosie while I was waiting for my bag. I found her sitting in a chair and she had my name on a white board. She is so pretty. As soon as we made eye contact and i told her I was the one she was looking for, she came up to me and hugged me and introduced me to her husband Javier. It was a Sunday so he was off and came with her because the drive is long and he worries about her. He was so kind, he wouldnt even let me carry my tiny little backpack I had brought with me. Rosie went to the other terminal to pick up the other girl that had come down the same day so javier and I walked out to the van. I started to get nervous and he could see that. He told me it was all going to be ok and just talked to me like a normal friend he had known forever. I calmed down, the other girl was found and we all got in the van for the drive to Eagle Pass. Rosie likes to chat so fel free to talk to her about anything and everything. it will help to make the drive go faster. About an hour or so into the drive we stopped at a gas station where we could all get out and stretch our legs, grab a drink or snack and use the restroom. When we got to Eagle Pass, we were taken to the Holiday Inn Express and Rosie checked us in and made sure we had everything we might need. We went up to our rooms and I can tell you, they were nice comfotable rooms. I loved all the pillows. 4 to a bed so I had 8!! LOL I was tired from the flight so I just stayed in my room, ordered Chinese food which you might want to consider not doing....I have never had curry chicken with giant fresh jalapenos in it before. It was good but VERY SPICY. And the driver that delivered it to me said he didnt have change for the $20 bill I had...so in essence he got a huge tip. Just make sure you go to the front desk for change if you decide to do this. I chatted online with my husband for the evening then I went to sleep. Yes I brought a laptop with me and I had wireless access everywhere I went. Even in the hospital. Rosie had called to tell us she would be picking us up at 6am so we were up and in the lobby waiting for her. She arrived right on time, we got in the van and made the very short trip over the Rio Grand to Piedras Negras. It was really foggy and still dark but the town is beautiful..we got to see it the next day on our way out. She drove us right up to the hospital and when we walked in, it was just plain CLEAN! there was a man cleaning in the hallway even that early in the morning. We went to Dr. Alvarez's office and then he came in. Dressed nicely and with a HUGE smile on his face. He asked which one of us wanted to talk with him first so the other girl went in with him. Rosie had left cause she has her own family to take care of. Then it was my turn to talk with Dr. A...He went over my medical history, weighed me, made jokes, and answered every silly question I had. We took some pictures with him then. He walked us over to the hospital side of the building....Showed us to our rooms and said the nurses would be in to take our blood pressure and draw some blood. The nurses dont speak ANY english but dont worry, they know exactly what they are doing and they are very good at it. I am a nurse so I was a little shocked at the methods they use but trust me....it was all great. The gal that drew our blood didnt wear any gloves but boy was she good....they use a cotton ball dipped in alcohol instead of alcohol wipes like we do in the us. Absolutely no pain form the blood draw at all. She left and the nurse came in and did our blood pressure and pulse and temperatures. Mostly communicating with hand signals. But they get their point across and they are good at understanding what we want. Dr. Alvarez was wandering back and forth and he had changed into his scrubs for the surgery. The man is just plain gorgeous! And always smiling and whistling. If you hear someone in the hallway whistling, it is him. He was going to do my surery last so I had time to get my laptop out. I couldnt get a connection in my room so Dr. A fixed that himself!!! I swear there is nothign this man cannot or will not do for his patients. So I chatted with my husband some more and read a book I had brought with me. About 1030 int he mornign it was my turn in the OR. Dr Alvarez came in and asked if I had any more questions, which I did. He answered everything and even made more jokes about promising not to remove any of my kidneys while I was out. ROFL I just knew I was in the right place. The nurses came and I transfered onto a gurney for the short trip across the hall to the OR, there is a window you slide through into the OR....Dr. A is very serious about sterility so no one walks into the OR and beds do not wheel in or out. I slid thru the window to another gurney then onto the OR table....the anesthesiologist started my IV which was a little painful but they always are. I was really getting nervous so Dr. A sat next to me and held my hand and told me it was all goign to be ok. My last words to him as I went under were to take good care of me. And he did. I woke up to a stinging pain on my belly but it was them placing the last steri-strip over my incision. I was shaking really hard from stress, anesthesia, whatever....Dr. A brought me a huge warm blanket and was grinning ear to ear as they took me from the OR, he was walking along telling me how great I did and how perfect the surgery went. I was half out of it. I was put back in my own bed. I slept a lot. The nurses come in like clockwork throughout the evening and night with a silver tray with the medications on it. I was always asking them what it was they were giving me into my IV. Not to worry, they just plain do not make mistakes. They regulate the IV manually, they add the pain and nausea meds into the IV like clockwork. I never had pain, I was not nauseous and I slept. Dr. A was in and out a lot always checking on us. The worst thing that happened to me was a huge lump in my throat from the tube they put down after you are asleep to control your airway. Man that really irritated me. So of course Dr. A brought me in some numbing throat drops to help stop that. He will do whatever it takes to make you comfortable and happy. I called my husband that night with the phone provided by Dr. A in the room. Then I walked in the halls, went to the bathroom, you will still be hooked up to the IV for meds throughout the night so just take your little pole with you. OHHH and dont walk barefoot...i did and my feet were black from the floors. LOL The hospital is clean but with people coming and going all day the floors get dirty. Honestly I slept most of the time after the surgery. In the morning, Dr. Alvarez and Rosie come back to your room. He brings in your lap-band box and a little tub of all the medications for you to take. He explains them all to you plus the instructions on them are in English so dont worry. Then Rosie helps you back out to the van and off we went back to San Antonio. I slept a lot of the way just cause the drive is long. But feel free to ask Rosie to stop and let you get out and stretch your legs. She is more than happy to do whatever it takes for your comfort. Get your drivers license and put it in your little box of medicines cause the border guards will need to see those things when you cross over. Rosie took us to the terminal to catch our plane I gave her a hug and thanked her. Then I was on my own again. I didnt need a wheelchair or any assistance, I was fine. I flew back home and was never so grateful to see Milwaukee again. Flying is uncomfortable when you are as big as me but right after surgery it was a little more so. My husband was there and we drove home. It was funny cause we stopped at perkins to eat and I had some AuJus broth, they gave it to me for free cause I told them about the surgery. My husband calls me his cheap date now! I had heard about the VSG surgery just before I went for my band also and I questioned what was the right choice for myself. But I am very glad i chose the band. I am almost one month out now. I feel great, I have had no complications and I am learning what to eat and what not to eat. I have lost over 20lbs and about 6 inches from my waist alone. Tomorrow is the day I remeasure everything and take new pics so I will add them to my profile on here. I hope this helps you. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I will answer anything you like. You have chosen the right doctor and on ly you can decide if you have chosent he right surgery. For me...I would not change it for the world! I am thrilled. Blessed Be laura

Thank you so much for this detailed experience. I plan to use Alveraz for my sleeve and you just gave me a pretty plain mental pic of how it was and what to expect. Thanks again.

on 8/20/15 11:33 pm

Your experience sounds very similar to mine Cherokee, I did not have my sleeve done with your doctor, I went to Tiajuana,  but I'm sure your detailed account will help many that are unsure or have questions. Congrats on your progress

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