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Topic: RE: EMMC Support group June 3 friday
That WAS you! I thought it was! *lol* I wasn't sure, though. Thank-you, so do you! Are you getting excited for the big day?
Topic: RE: EMMC Support group June 3 friday
Nice to see you all tonight even though I didn't get a chance to say hi directly...It was a zoo there tonight! You all look amazing! :)
Topic: RE: EMMC Support group June 3 friday
You might see me there too...I've got to be in Bangor tomorrow anyway for my 3-mo follow-up with the nutrtionist, and I took the day maybe I'll stop in...! I can still attend the mid-coast meeting on Saturday too...
Topic: RE: Midcoast Support Group Sat, June 4th at 10am.
Be there or be, well, you know...less round!!! :-)