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Topic: RE: Starting Plastics Journey Tuesday
Best of luck on your surgery! I'll be swinging chickens or lobsters and anything else I can get my hands on for you!
Topic: RE: Starting Plastics Journey Tuesday
Swinging Chickens for you Tracy! Hope it all goes/went well. Keep us updated and hollar if you need anything, I am just down the street.
Topic: RE: 8 months out - pictures
Nothing wrong with a litte spare tire! You look great and must feel amazing!!!
Topic: RE: Update on whats been happening>>>
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} Sarah, hope you are feeling better soon! Please update us when you can.
Hi all
Support group tonite at 4:30 to 6:30
EMMC second floor Mason Auditorium.
Led by Dayna Emerson
See you there!!!!!
Topic: RE: 8 months out - pictures
You should be very proud of yourself!! Congratulations on the weight loss!
Topic: RE: Starting Plastics Journey Tuesday
Hi Tracy!!
That is awesome news!! I cant' wait to hear how it goes. I had my TT and Pannic last July, I really need that thigh lift. So I will be following your post op posts!!
I really enjoy your adventures on facebook with M & M!!
That is awesome news!! I cant' wait to hear how it goes. I had my TT and Pannic last July, I really need that thigh lift. So I will be following your post op posts!!
I really enjoy your adventures on facebook with M & M!!
Topic: Update on whats been happening>>>
Well Monday had my extploritiry laproscopic surgery and found that i had an internial hernia due to the man made hole that the dr makes to pass the rerouted intestins through. somehow mine got bigger causing this problem..went home monday and felt sore but nothing new and played possum all day. sat on my butt and watched tv,,,,well aftere about 5pm started to get a pain in my side and suggested that we keace the store so i could go rest. so we wenbt 11 pm or so the cat jumped and landed right in the middle of my my belly..not a happy camper was i. so on wednesday morning brian rushed me to PEN BAY..from there i was rushed to emmc..from there to emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction. not sure how or how long i had this or why they couldnt go through rhe originial holes but i was out of it for than 24 hours. feeling beeter not and up walking eish i could sleep though. Night all
Waiting Time: 350 Pre-Op: 313 Sep 13, 2010: 188...
New Birthday Dec 12, 2008