Lap Band...Any info on this procedure?
Hello there...I am starting the process for the lap band surgery. I am scheduled to see my pcp on March 10, and will hopefully get a referral to the Casco Bay Surgery Center to see Dr. Colbean. Has anyone had this surgery done at the Casco Bay Center by Dr. Colbean? Another option is the Maine Bariatric Center in Augusta. Any info on this surgery or either of these centers would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Melissa: Don't want to discourage you dear but from what I've learned the lapband is actually not the easiest route to take. I've heard from different lap band receipients at my support group and I would say 7 out of 10 are really dissapointed. Dieticians say it is NOT the BEST choice and NOT the best results. Just some information I gleaned from my support group.
I am now 19 days out from my Gastric Bypass OPEN and very pleased with the results so far.
Good Luck with your WLS journey whatever route you decide on taking. Keep this in mind; EMMC in Bangor, Maine is rated as one of the TOP in the nation for WLS. I had Dr. Donald Clough who is top in his field since 1974. EMMC just recieved the Excellance AWARD for being one of the TOP WLS centers in the nation. Only 29 other hopsital WLS programs in the nation have recieved this award.
God Bless
Dr. Cobean and his associates are wonderful. I am now 12 days post op, my surgeon was Dr.Wolff.
I started this process about three years ago.
I went into it thinking if this was meant to be I will sail right through. I did some research and found that the only physicians covered under my insurance were the Portland area surgeons and they only did Gastric Bypass. So, I talked my physician into a referal. Despite his hemming and hawing over how I should just eat right and exercise. Sigh. Once I was started in the program I was instructed to go to a support group.
At the support group I was able to ask Dr. Wolff about gastric banding as I had read that it was a better option for some candidates. She had told me then that they were not offering banding because the research had not yet shown that it was a better or even equal procedure to the bypass. I was a bit dissapointed becuase I liked the idea of a less invasive procedure. Also, I had a friend with the lap band and she was doing quite well. However, I needed something and if gastric bypass was all that was available to me, well thats what I would do.
I went to a few support groups. I had my intake appointment with the surgeon, social worker and nurse at the bariatric center. I am terribly emotional and cried at my intake. I mentioned in passing that I blamed myself for being in this situation of obesity. How could I not feel it was my fault to be in this situation? etc. etc. Well, they must of thought I was a bit off my rocker cause I had to go to counseling. Laugh.
Counseling went well. I guess once they got to know me they realized I was ok??? Laugh again. Anyway, I was approved by the center and my surgery was scheduled. About four weeks before gastric bypass surgery I found out my insurance would not pay. Oddly enough, I was about 1 1/2 lbs. UNDERWEIGHT. Go figure. I was devistated to say the least.
I waited about 6 months and then had my doctor do a new referal to the bariatric center to begin the process again. My kharma or this meant to be stuff be damned I had tried everything else and I was going to have this done. Something done.
Ok, bear with me I am going to answer your question.
When I went back to the surgical center to restart I was informed to my greatest glee that they were just starting the process of offering BANDING........Hooray. BUt wait, 6 months ago this wasnt good enough for the office what changed?
I was told that research has now shown that some people can benefit more from Banding than Bypass. They are different surgeries with different results. FOr the very ill who for health reason need to get weight off quick, banding is not really the way to go. Remember I was two lbs. below the insurance weight so this was not yet my issue. Well, not YET....I stress yet. It would be, but not yet.
Banding patients tend to loose less weight over a two year period than Bypass patients. However, Banding patients have been shown to continue loosing weight for 5-10 years whereas the Bypass patient plateaus with weight loss at 2years. There is a morbidity rate with bypass of 1/200 deaths with this surgery, with banding this morbidity is much decreased. NO one ever gave me a number but there is a significant difference. THere has to be. THe risk with bypass is the leak, there is no leak with banding because your alimentary canal (food tube) is not cut.
So, I praised my Kharma, this meant to be thing/idea of mine and thanked my lucky stars that I was declined the more invasive surgery only to wait for the banding.
As I said I am 12 days post op. I have lost a little over 6 pounds but that is not what is important. I feel good. I can get full over reasonable amounts of food. I am free. I almost cry when I type that and still have to emotionally get used to the idea. I am free.
Free from the ever nagging hunger. Free from never feeling full. Free from feeling guilty over every item I put in my mouth.
I miss out on some things. Its a bit odd going out to eat with a large group cause I feel I missed out on the party. But I can get used to that.
I am still emotional and a bit tired. I went back to work 7 days post surgery though.
Anyway , I would strongly recomend Maine Bariatric surgery. They have been nothing but helpfull and freindly. I love that they had me go to all the classes and meetings and even the counseling (which not everyone has to do). Dr. Wolff is very bright and I trust her completely with this surgery and bypass. I dont know about Augusta but I know Casco would talk to you about which surgery was best for you.
Good luck.