HINTS for being a success
I am just awaiting insurance approval and surgery date.
I have a question:
All those who "WERE" COMPULSIVE OR EMOTIONAL" eaters please:
How did you deal with your problem after surgery and was there a problem? I should have my approval in next 4-5 weeks and then surery date and am just thinking on these things. Want to be prepared.
I woke up in the night wondering about this. I have a problem where I will be trying to cut back and then all of a sudden I find myself having eaten something I shouldn't. I know after surgery I will pay dearly if I do that but..... what are some other ways to deal witht these problems that some of you may have tired and proved successful on? I want to make this new change of life work for me and any help you might offer will be gratefully accepted.
THANKS in advance
Hi - you might want to check out the new Emotional Eating forum here at ObesityHelp - great way to see what the new messageboards will eventually look like too
Good luck!