My PCP approves of me seeking WLS!
I went to my PCP the other day and talked to her about having gastric bypass surgery. Once she saw that I had done my "homework" on it, she said she'd fax a referal right up to Dr. Carroll's office. I am so happy!! I know that I am still quite a ways away from actually getting the surgery, but this is sure a good start! Does anyone know how long the wait is to see Dr. Carroll for the first time? I was told that it takes a week or two from the time he gets my application just for the office to call and schedual the inital consult. So I'm curious as to how far off my appointment will be. I guess I will get too see just how patient I can be.
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for it to go quickly.
Julie L.

It took me about a month to get in to see dr. carroll.... he was out of town for a their was a little delay....but i must tell you i kept calling every week...till i could get a date....linda his nurse said ok...the squeaky wheel gets the grease...good luck....... i am cheering you on...
Hi Rebecca.
Thanks for your support. I can already tell that I am going to be like you in the sense that I will be calling and checking in with his office regularly. I am most definitely going to do my best to be patient, but as I'm sure you know, every ounce of me (and there are lots of them) wants to get things going NOW.
How are things going with you? When I saw you last month, you seemed to be doing GREAT! Hopefully things are still going well.
I'm going to be going to the support group this week. I really enjoyed the meeting last month and I figure I can never have too much info. It's so nice to meet so many friendly people who genuinely understand my thoughts and feelings! Between this website and the support group, I've got the best support network I could ask for.
Thanks for your input and your support. It means a lot!