waiting is the worst.....
hi all
i am still waiting for a phone call from my surgeons office to call me for a date and to say im approved. i called the other day and the office told me they called the insurance company and are waiting for a call back to fax the paperwork over. the insurance company has 30 days and then she said it could be another 30 days before i hear from them.. i asked her if i should call the insurance co. and she said no because it might take them longer to reply... i hate the wait..i want to call and ask if anyone called back but i dont want it to take longer then its supposed to... i was just venting to u all ......:0 tammy
Hi Tammy!
I'm sure waiting to hear is quite the pain in the butt. I'm surprised that your surgeon's office said not to call the insurance company. Many of the people on here have said to call and check on things like that because it will keep them on top of things. I don't have experience with any of that yet as I am no where near that stage, so I'm not sure what advice I can really offer. However, I definitely offer you my support and hope that you get a reply SOON. Good luck with everything!
Julie L