Popping into peek at my favorite state
Hi Maine!!!!
I miss being there sooooooooooooooooo much!!
Anyway, I wanted to pop in and say... I had my stress test Wednesday and my Nutritional evaluation on Friday. They tortured me before the stress test. They could not get the cathader into any of my veins, you should see the bruises all over my arms and hands still today! But once they found one, all went well.
They nutritional eval went wonderfully, she said I was well informed and very well prepared for this surgery.
So, now I only have the sleep apnea study and the 40 million vials of bloodwork left to do (alright not exactly 40 million but I heard it was 20+ vials, YIKES!!!, Dracula is the doctors name, should I be worrying????)
The weather has been gorgeous around here this past week so I can imagine it is wonderful up there in your neck of the woods. Suppose to be humid down here this week though, Ugh!
Anyhow, I hope all is well with everyone, Paula I am still praying for your DH, and I want to congratulate
you on the size 18 Yippppppeeeeeee!!!
Be back soon ,

Hi Donna,
Thank you for the congratulations on the size 18..lol.. have one pair of shorts that are already to big! But then I am not complaining!
so glad to hear from you. And it is AWESOME here weather wise as well. MY DH is doing fantastic..as a matter of fact he has an aide here right now helping with his shower..lol..guess I get a little bit of a break now that he is home. He also has a PT come into the home 3 times a week to help him regain some strength. He is doing great with his walking and he is EATING!!
Better him than me!
They took 11-13 vials of bllod from me before my WLS was scheduled.
Take care and don't be a stranger.
Paula/Windsor, Me