Hello Maine
I am a former Maine-iac and my heart still lives there in Aroostook County, so I tend to find myself looking into Maine chatrooms and message boards where ever I go. This is no different.
I wanted to check in and see how the Maine folks are doing here, imagine my surprise to find it so quiet.
I will continue to check in.
I know it is summer and you can all finally go outside, so I don't balme you for not being in here, LOL
Looking forward to chatting with you all.....................
I will return to the great state of Maine some day, somehow ( a much smaller version of the way I left )
Have a wonderful day!!
Hi Judy
So glad to hear from you . I just read your profile, I guess things move rather quickly in Maine when it comes to WLS. Down here in R.I., where I am located now, it takes a good long time ( perhaps because there are so many more people having it done).
I don't expect to have my surgery until late fall/early winter, if all the tests go well.
By the way, Kennebec is not a bad place either. I love all of Maine. I am hoping to be visiting Aroostook in early August, before returning to work the end of August. ( I work as a paraeducator in a first grade classroom, so I get my summers off)
Nice chatting with you , and I am sure you will see me lurking around now and again ( I just can't help it)
Have a wonderful day

Hello Donna and welcome to Maine.
I am originally from Illinois and moved up here 3 summers ago and love it! My Dh is from the Dexter area and we actually met online. Isn't the computer a wonderful tool for meeting great people
Is great to meet people from all over the USA and would be awesome if some of us could meet you when you come back to Maine for your visit next month! Please keep us posted as to the dates you will be here and maybe if you have the time some of us could plan a meeting with you.
Also keep us up to date on your WLs progress. Looking forward to corresponding with you from time to time.
Your OH friend,

Thank you for the welcome to the Maine boards.
I will pop in now and then and let y'all know how my progress is going. I will also see what we can do about meeting on one of my journeys north.
But the big question I have for you Paula, how is your DH?? I just read your profile and I see he has been in a battle for his life....my prayers going to him and you , but please do let me know how he is.
Keep up the good work with the weightloss.
Looking forward to chatting with you again soon.