Moving to Maine????
I am currently thinking about moving to Maine. The Bangor area. I would really like it if someone could possibly tell me the average monthly rent payment that i might be looking at. I am going to need a 3 br. could possibly do with a big 2 br. Right now I am living in Michigan, and I pay 300/mo, plus utilities for a 3 br house. Any information would be a great help!! Thanks...
Oh Boy, First I have to tell you Maine is a lovely State...However you are looking at a HUGE diffrence in rents! Currently I rent a 3 town house about 2 hours from Bangor and it cost 1200 a month pluse utilities..... Bangor is cheaper though.....Looking on line under the Bangor New.... For a house you are looking at aroun $ 800 and up! Sorry to disappoint! Maine is an expensive state ...We pay the 2nd highest taxes in the United states......Good Luck keep your eye may luck out and find something!Best of Luck!
Hello!! Thanks for the quick response. I knew that the rent would be more expensive, but WOW....are the wages better? I mean, my DH is working at a wood mill, and he makes about 9 and hour. I am an RN, and I make 18 an hour. Would we have an increase in wages? Or, would we be making about the same? Thanks again...Heather
Hi Heather, Ann here again. check out I saw a per diem rn ad in bangor for 26-36 per hr. It can vary depending on what you're looking for. There are some great loan rates for first time homebuyers in this state. They help with closing costs, lower the points on the loan and provide the loan at 1% interest. On the site there should be some real estate links, check it out, It was cheaper for me to buy than to continue renting. Best of Luck!
As a RN you would make more than $18.00 per hour. It would also depend on where you work and what shift you worked.........alot of places have $2 to $3 shift differentials and sign on bonuses. In the Bangor area there are 2 acute care hospitals, 2 psychiatric hospitals, several skilled/ICF nursing facilities, an ICF/MR facility, and several home health agencies. Their hourly wages vary............
You might want to check the local newspaper's website (www to get an idea of the cost of rentals and what jobs have been recently advertised.
Hope this information is helpful............
Ha Heather
I live in Surry Maine which is about 35 minutes away from Bangor.
I pay $475 a month for a two bed room house and drive into Bangor.
If you don't mind the drive it is cheaper to live outside of Bangor, rents are high but the drive is less. Depending on what is good for you and your family.
Also, Bangor is packed with people, I think. Here in Surry I have a nice front and back yard for my dog to run in and the area is quiet. I don't mind the drive just to have the extra space and pay lower rent.
The rate of pay is as stated above and being an RN will make finding a job that much easier, always openings in the health care departments.
Good luck to you and your on your move.