I Need your Help
Hi all I need your help!!! I recently received insurance approval for surgery. My Family Dr. called Dr. Aslams office in Augusta,ME for a referal to be seen there, she was told he was not taking new patients. I have a very short time to find a new surgeon. Any Ideas? I would like to stay in the Augusta Area. Portland and Bangor are really hard to get to for me. SO if anyone has any info I would greatly appreciate it. Or if there is a dear sweet person out there that has been a patient of his that might be willing to give me a personal refferal you'd be a real angel. Thank You, Kari

Hello Debby
Relax sweetie
, here is who I am seeing in Bangor.
Dr.Donald Clough
417 State Street,
Bangor,Maine. 04401
(207) 947-5241
I'm not sure with your insurance approved and all, but I have to go through a program just to meet with him. I have come to call it hoop jumping, where as a bunch of other doctors line thier pockets in order for you to do what you know has to be done. They clam it is to make sure you are a good candidate for weight loss surgery. I say all they have to do is look at your medical history and ask you if you are ready to change your life for the better, but that's just me
However, seeing that you are already apporved he may see you right away.
Have you gone through any type of program?
Pre-op education class or group meetings?
Talking with a dietitian, psychologist and a physical therapist yet?
They may ask you to go through there program given by EMMC where the surgery takes place.
God bless and I hope this information has been helpful to you.

There is a 1 1/2 yr wait for the Dr in Lewiston and the one in Portland is about the same wait. Not sure about Bangor. But Dr Aslam is retiring at the end of this month so that is why he is not taking new patients. He is retiring from all of his practice not just the WLS part. Malpractice insurance has just gotten too high is what I was told by his Nurse. I have no suggesstions, sorry. Just this information.