Raining in Surry, there goes the BBQ
Raining, raining, raining once again!
Will it ever stop?
Hello Everybody,
There goes my day and the BBQ.
Looks like it oven baked BBQ for one and all, LOL
So how was your DAY?
By the way I posted support group meeting in Bangor but I will not be at the June 3 one, have to be somewhere else that day and will not make it back in time.
However, I will be at the June 8 meeting and I hope to see all of you there. If you do make it please make yourself known at the meeting to me.
I have light brown eyes and light brown hair, very, very curly. I will be the big gal dressed in all black. Slimming color and all, hehehe.
Smooches from Janet In Surry Maine