Is Anyone still awake? How Was Your Day?
Ha Everybody
I just did some spring cleaning around the house and continued to wonder about my pre-op education class and group meeting.
At my size I try as much as I can not to be around other people, so shameful of my large size. I know that everybody at these meetings are going to have weight issues but being grouped in one place with other large people doesn't make me feel any better.
As it is I go shopping either early in the morning or late at night before closing.
The other night a young man with his size 2 girlfriend said as I passed,
"WOW! she's big"
I wanted to cry:'-( but held it in until I got home. It is people like that,
that make it so hard for me to want to go out and do fun things.
Last summer I went to the Blue Hill Fair and they ask me to get off a ride because I was too big.
I was said so loud that others started laughing.
I was hoping a hole would open up in the ground so I could let myself fall into it.
I can't wait for my surgery to be approved so I can get on with my life again.
So how has your day been?
Janet from Surry Maine

Hi Janet,
I hope that you can get yourself to feeling better about being around other people, expecially while doing the pre-op classes. I realize how hard it is for you, but remember we are or have all been there and we are all here to help each other through the rough spots. I will keep you in my prayers.
God Bless.