Anyone Had Gastric Bypass At EMMC?
HI Janet,
So glad to get your post. And WLS is Weight loss surgery. I too am having the gastric by pass more to the point an RNY. I live in Windsor, which is just outside of Augusta and about an hour from Bangor. Hopefully one day we can meet.
I think it would be awesome to meet all of the Mainers that have had or are having WLS.
I totally understand what you are talking about when you stated all the things you are asked to do to get to the surgery date, but believe me it will be well worth it once you are done
ing through all those hoops.
I am almost at the counting the minutes till my surgery.
Some of the risks besides death are infection, leakage, dumping(weakness,dizziness,or light-headedness).
You will learn this plus lots more as you go along. Check out as much as you can before you meet with the doctor, be as informed as possible. You can get more on the WLS by just starting to click on differnt places here on OH, and from some of the others who have already been through all of this.
Take care and God Bless! Keep in touch.
As always,

Ha Paule
Yes it would be wonderful to have some kind of meeting place. I know there was a gathering in Augusta that addressed WLS, but I had no idea what date or time it toke place.
At the age of 26, gosh many, many years ago I was going to have the Gastric Bypass done but my sister an RN at the time(is into law now) scared the blummers off me and I back out of the surgery. LOL
However, today is a new day and I am truly grateful that I waited all this time to get this surgery done. Now a days it's more about my health problems.
At 26 weighing 350 pounds it was about being thin, not that I don't care about being thin today but it is not my first interest, if you know what I mean.
My biggest fear is that I will be turned down by one of these people who have the power to decide if I should have this surgery or not.
Lord knows I need it, I'm diabetic, high blood pressure, back and joint problems. The badest thing is that I have to sleep sitting up in a living room chair, becuase I can't breath laying down. I can't wait to sleep in a
again LOL. Funny how it's the little things that you tend to miss most.
Paula lets keep in touch, my e-address is:
[email protected]
God bless and thank you so much for the risk information. I tend to write everything down so I can go over it and be as informed as possable when I do meet all the the people I stated. Wish me luck

Hey Janet, My name is stacey and I live in marriaville. I had surgery there with Dr. Clough Last july, and as of 1 week ago I had lost 197lbs. I was very hevey to begin with and still have about anothe 100lbs to go, but its comming off fast and in my opinion pretty easilly. There are many risked involved and for that type of information you should look it up and read about it online. Leakks are one of the biggest concerns. I was lucky and got through surgery with no complications and I have only threw up 2 times since surgery.. Recovery goes smoothly as long as you follow the directions to a tee!!!! Good luck in your decisions and if you have any questions feel free to write me back with them......Stacey
Hi Janet,
I had gastric bypass (RNY) at EMMC almost 2 years ago (6/5/03).... I have lost a total of 160 pounds. It is not for have to be fully informed about the procedure and the life style changes that will have to be made...........It is only you that can decide if it is right for you! I have had complications from the surgery but would do it again in a heartbeat!!
Have you looked into the program at EMMC? It is very thorough - you are required to go to a pre-op class where everything is explained to you; a support group meeting; psychology exam; physical therapy appointment; and dietician appointment before you even get to see the surgeon.... It is about a 6 month process from the time that you are referred by your primary care physician until you have surgery........
If you are considering this program, I would strongly suggest attending one of the support groups.... At the support groups, the people who have already had the surgery speak about their experience and you have a chance to ask questions to those who already have had the surgery....
The support groups are as follows:
1st Friday of the month 4 p.m to 6 pm
2nd Wednesday of the month 5pm to 7 pm
3rd Friday of the month 4 pm to 6 pm
They are at the Mason Auditorium at EMMC and are lead by dieticians who specialize in this type of surgery......
If you have any specific questions, feel free to email me.
For some reason my internet server will not open up messages that are sent through the email through the I know that you sent me an email but I can't open it..........Please send it to [email protected]