new member hoping to have lap band done
Hi all, my name is Michele and I live in southern Maine. I have not even seen a Dr. for this yet outside of a general seminar in Augusta. I have been reading about the band for years now. LONG before it was available in the USA.
I am hoping to get to see Dr. Morand soon and was wondering if anyone on this board has had him for their surgeon. I see alot of other names here but not his.
I feel silly posting since it seems everyone else seems to be well into the process and I am brand new but any information would be greatly appreciated.
Please, don't feel silly! This is how we ALL got started. You have to start someplace, right?
I had the RNY and don't know much about the lap band. Never heard of the surgeon, so I can't be much help to you. However, I can give you all of the emotional/mental support that you need!
I know there are alot of people on this website that HAVE had the lap band, so I'm sure you'll be hearing from them soon!
See you on the losing side!
Welcome to OH Michele and please don't feel like a stranger.
We all were there at one time. My name is Paula and I have my WLS date scheduled for June 6th.
I have Dr Aslam as a lot of others do on here, but as you will see there are several doctors to chose from and you will not find them all memtioned here on OH.
I was referred to Dr Morand's office over 1 1/2 years ago. I did attend their informaional seminar at that time in Augusta. Upon my 1st meeting with the doctor he told me that Medicare would not pay for WLS (banding) so I just dropped the idea.
After a long time of thinking about it and hearing about the Oh site I joined here and learned so much from all the wonderful members, that I decided that having the RNY surgery was the way for me and now that medicare pays for WLS I am ready to get a healthy new life.
If I might suggest, you might want to check into Dr Morands group support meetings. I am not sure which day or time they have them, but just call the office and they can let you know.
Just remember to research every aspect of the WLS's before going any farther. It is much better to know as much as you can about whichever surgery you decide on.
Please continue to post here any questions or concerns you might have. That is why we are all here to help support each other from just thnking about having the WLS to pre-op through post- op and beyond!
As always

Hello Michele
My name is Janet Lance from Surry Maine and I'm kind a new myself.
I am going through Eastern Maine Medical Center surgical weight loss program of EMMC. I am working on having Gastric Bypass surgery done.
I will be going to my pre-op education and support group meeting on
June 8th.
On that day I will be given three appointments to see a dietitian, psychologist and a physical therapist. Once a report from those three are put together an appointment will be made to see my surgeon who will decide if I am an appropriate candiddate for this kind of surgery.
So don't feel silly to post any and all questions you may have. This is the best site I have found and the people pre-or-pos-op are truly kind, helpful and understanding to what we are going through.
lets keep in touch and let each other know how things are coming along since we are both just starting out. My e-address is:
[email protected]
Please feel free to e-me at anytime for whatever reason.
God Bless Michele