almost 3 weeks out
I went to my 2 week check up on wednesday and I've lost 23 pounds. I'm so excited but now the dietician has advanced me to a pureed diet so I can eat real food not just drink protein shakes. I feel like I'm overeating. My husband says that I'm not but I feel like I am. I haven't checked the scale but I don't feel like I'm doing so hot. I'm so scared that I'm not going to do this right and I'm going to mess this whole thing up. I've been trying to focus on having my protein but it is a daily battle for me. I'm thinking to myself if this is such a battle this early then OH MY WORD THIS IS REALLY GOING TO SUCK BOGWATER!!!
Hang in there Charity, I am sure the dietician knows what he/she is doing and would not have you move onto the next step if you were not doing good. I will keep you in my prayers for great results upon your next DR. visit. You are now on the losers side and although some lose faster than others I am sure you are doing a fantastic job in your new life and journey to becoming the person you have always wanted to be. YOU CAN DO THIS!!