I need some help!
Ok! For the good news, I'm 7 months postop and have lost 107 lbs. I feel fabulous and love being able to buy clothes in the store (and they are not the largest ones they carry). Friends and family members have been so supportive and love the difference this weight loss has made for me. Me, too!
Now for the help. I feel hungry at times when I shouldn't be. I know that it is all in my head, but I can't escape it. It is driving me crazy. This is what got me into all the weight trouble in the first place: eating when I was mentally hungry rather than physically hungry. I'm trying to distract myself and keep myself busy, but once I pass through the kitchen or get a snack for the kids I'm thinking about food again. UGH! I am not going back to where I started. I can't. Please give me some advice.
Also, how much are you post-op people eating at a meal? I am so afraid that I'm overeating. Last night, I ate 3 meatballs and a piece of garlic bread. (I made the meatballs small.) I felt just right afterwards, but I'm so afraid that I've stretched my pouch or something. Maybe it is just PMS setting in or I'm going neurotic, but I don't want me to screw this thing up. Please help!
O boy! I've been where you are! Please try not to worry too much about it. I've found that I worry like that for awhile and then I lose 5 pounds and I feel back on track. I think your portions are just fine, maybe you could try getting more protein & drinking more water. That seems to work for me!
CONGRATULATIONS!! You are doing awesome and you LOOK fabulous! Keep up the good work!
I had my 9 month anniversary yesterday and I've lost 101 pounds! I feel soooooo good!
Chat with you soon!