My DH and I went into Au...
My DH and I went into Augusta today for lunch and then to Wal-Mart.
We picked up my vitamins, tums, and vitamin B12 today as I am ready!!
Yes Wal-Mart did have the vitB12 for under the tongue. Am sure there will be more for me to get as time goes on. But for now I am just waiting for my appointment for the nutritionist, counselor, and the physic eval...I have to remember Rome wasn't built in a day and I certainly did not put on all this weight over night so why would I get all this done

Hey Paula!
LOL I did the same thing right after I had my first appointment. I picked up the B12, liquid tylenol and Gas-X at Walmart!!! Made me feel better...more like there was something I could do to get ready that I didn't have to wait for.
I'm still doing the waiting game for the psych eval report. It's been 2 1/2 weeks and counting. Hopefully they send it soon!!
Take care and enjoy all this beautiful spring weather!!