Lap band patients from Portland,Maine area?
I am trying to explore having lap band done. I live in Portland area...can only find one physician in Augusta who does the surgery. I am interested in knowing if there are other physicians close by, and also how people foung the surgery....effective? what was recovery like? Does the lap band require all the same pre op stuff like the bypass (ie see social worker, psychologist, dietician; attend meetings, etc)??
Thanks for any info
Hi Cathy
My name is Carol McFarland and I live in Westbrook and will be having my band surgery on March 24th
I have been doing research about this surgery for over 2 years. I have attended many meetings and talked to tons of people and have gotten a few books about it. DONT GO TO AUGUSTA. I have heard some stories about that doctor and I didnt like what I heard. I am going to Porstmouth Hospital, It only takes me 50 minutes to drive there and then I can shop to lol
There are 3 doctors doing this surgery that are together. One is female.
The Program is really great and you do learn so much. In fact I have to
see the nutritionist today and have my Pre Op meeting tomorrow nite.
I can get you some information if you would like. In fact when I go I will pick some stuff up for you ok More and more people are having the lap band done and I have met a bunch of new friends who had it done and are very happy. My e mail address is [email protected]. If your interested I can give you my phone number if you want to talk also ok
Let me know if you would like to know more or if there is anything I can do to help you out. Its great meeting other people interested in the band .
Take Care
Carol McFarland

Thank you SO much for responding!! I am glad you filled me in on stuff you heard about Augusta...the web site for there gives excellent ratings, so it was a surprise to read your comment. There is a female in Portsmouth??? Thar would be my preference. Any info you can give me would be so welcome. The doctor in Augusta is no longer going to be taking my insurance anyway, so he is a mute point. I have Cigna. I will email you. Thanks!!