keep up the work you all
I read on this site everyoday and the other one and see so much togetherness. I've been up and down on this whole things. Things I read sometimes scares me. BUt in long run it's sounds great. I don't feel alone. You all are great. I'm getting ready and can't wait. All of you's who has gone through this must at times read us newby's thoughts and say things like," Wow was I like this?" but you now help us out and I thank you guys. It most be a long haul to get where you are.I can't wait. You make it seem like our dreams will be here too. I can't wait to look back on this and maybe laugh or be as helpful as you all have. I did get the number for support. But you know You all are my support. Besides my faith. and my family .Well some. I still get few who looks down at me. But I need this and want it. I'm going to get'er done! Later . email me anytime or go to chat room once in while in for Maine I look for chats. later I'm proud of you all too.