Any Agusta Support group?
I have been emailing everyday and nothing.Does anyone have a number? I emailed [email protected] and nothing.How in world do I get hold of them? I was told to go to one or it may slow my operation date. I told them I get more support by this webite and the other one big time. Poeple are so nice and supportive.I can't wait. Well, has anyone still able to operated on even with out going to first one? ok sorry to bother but This person is suppose to be president of it.ok later all. How is everyone doing? I getting my hospital stuff together and not sure of what to get after surgery. I am getting the RNY and this maybe stupid but what is dumping syndrome? I read on sugar ect.. But if you have it where and what it do? ok later. Let me know what I may need to get or get ready to make it easy even the toilet. o k later all . thanks for your time. KIm G. Just waiting to get responces from them sorry just it burned me.Ok later you all. I like to hear stories from you all on how it all went. Kim G