Any Agusta Support group?
I have been emailing everyday and nothing.Does anyone have a number? I emailed [email protected] and nothing.How in world do I get hold of them? I was told to go to one or it may slow my operation date. I told them I get more support by this webite and the other one big time. Poeple are so nice and supportive.I can't wait. Well, has anyone still able to operated on even with out going to first one? ok sorry to bother but This person is suppose to be president of it.ok later all. How is everyone doing? I getting my hospital stuff together and not sure of what to get after surgery. I am getting the RNY and this maybe stupid but what is dumping syndrome? I read on sugar ect.. But if you have it where and what it do? ok later. Let me know what I may need to get or get ready to make it easy even the toilet. o k later all . thanks for your time. KIm G. Just waiting to get responces from them sorry just it burned me.Ok later you all. I like to hear stories from you all on how it all went. Kim G

Kim, you are obviously very upset about wanting information. I think the best idea would be to call Maine General hospital.
HealthReach Community Support & Counseling Services
Augusta (207) 626-3420/626-7590
Waterville (207) 873-1127/873-6880
You should tell them that you are considering this operation and that you need a support group to explain some of these things to you.
It is VERY important that you understand what the operation consists of, what your responsibility will be, what you can expect after the surgery, and so forth. If a surgeon is willing to do the procedure without you knowing any of these topics, you should think seriously if they have your best interest in mind. It is important to study about the surgery.
This is a LIFE-CHANGING procedure. It is only a tool to help one regain control of their eating habits, learn to eat healthy portions, the correct kinds of foods, how to eat when you are hungry and not because you think you are hungry, and how to add exercise into your life to keep the weight off and keep your body healthy. If you are not ready for this HUGE change in your life, you will not have success with it.
I sincerely hope that you take some time to study here on the internet, talk to your doctor, and call that number to find when the support group meets. I wish you well and will look for your updates here to see how you are evolving in your research.
Take care Kim,
Yes, I've been looking up site and talked to my primary doctor . He told me on this and about his other paitience he had have them. Doing good but hard at first(pain) Or I'll be in wheelcahir for good. I'm using crutchs for i sat in chair once and said no way. I'm a fighter and look at that chair everyday and know what I got to do ect.. I have photo's of different ones(operation stomache) Doc said the RNY is best. and talked to a lot of people. I need this to help my legs and myself to be better too. I'll call them in morning. I see there is alot of things involved in it. A huge changed and I like to get going on the down side and start a new life. Thank you for your insights and care. I was told I'll be around Valentines but I want to see people in person. The support groups are great I heard. My family and friends Know and helping me. Well thanks. How long have you been post? Ok later dear and again thanks. Maybe see you on chat here or the big chat room on other site. later all.
You can write [email protected], I know she use to and I believe still does facilitate the one in Augusta for Dr Aslam. I also know Dr McKee and Dr Morand has one in Augusta for Lapbanders, but do not know who to call, you could look up one of their names.
I go to EMMC, I love it there and they have 3 a month.
Good luck!
Hi Kim...I see you are having the RNY surgery. I had the Lap Band Surgery last May. I run Dr. Aslam's Lap Band Support Group on the last Wed. of the month in Augusta (this group was started especially for the Lap Band patients). Sorry you are having trouble with no response with the other group. I would mention to Dr. Aslam when you do see him that you have tried to contact the Thursday group with no avail. I am sure he would like to know about this. If you decide to change to the Lap Band Surgery, please feel free to contact me and we can meet in Skowhegan sometime (I live in Moscow). I love sharing my experience with people. The best thing that I ever did!! Do you have a surgery date yet? Hope to hear from you again!