Question about Protein Shakes??
I just tried to call my dietitian..but she was busy so I thought I would ask you guys some of my questions and see what you guys had to say..I am to have surgery on the 13th and I am trying to find out what shakes I should be using?? I have been drinking the Slim-Fast Low Carb shakes they have 20 proteins but they have 9 grams of Fat!! I have tried the Carnation Instant Breakfast Low Carb and those are not as good??? Could you let me know what you guys have been using... Another question??? Is it ok to use Splenda?? Do I buy Light yogert with splenda or with some other sweetner? and my last question???? What kind of protein powder do some of you use???
Thank You so much for all your help
The dietitian will tell you to use CIB and that you will only need them at first. Maybe the first 3 months.
It is ok to use splenda.
I personally hated CIB and did not feel it gave enough protein. It took me till I was 4.5 weeks out to find a protein I not only could tolerate but LIKED!
Unjury from is in my opinion the best protein protein on the market. I am 18 months out and STILL use it on a daily basis. Right now I am on a kick of adding it to my sugar free hotcocoa.
If you do order from them I suggest ordering samples, our tastes change so much after surgery, even what you like now you might not like after. Then a week later you might like it again.
Unjury is VERY quick about shipping and easy to work with. I have had to call them a number of times with questions about protein and even just general questions. Martha is a dietician and was great about answering questions. They are the best!
Good luck!