Question about Protein Shakes??

The dietitian will tell you to use CIB and that you will only need them at first. Maybe the first 3 months.
It is ok to use splenda.
I personally hated CIB and did not feel it gave enough protein. It took me till I was 4.5 weeks out to find a protein I not only could tolerate but LIKED!
Unjury from is in my opinion the best protein protein on the market. I am 18 months out and STILL use it on a daily basis. Right now I am on a kick of adding it to my sugar free hotcocoa.
If you do order from them I suggest ordering samples, our tastes change so much after surgery, even what you like now you might not like after. Then a week later you might like it again.
Unjury is VERY quick about shipping and easy to work with. I have had to call them a number of times with questions about protein and even just general questions. Martha is a dietician and was great about answering questions. They are the best!
Good luck!