21 days left ,, a nervous wreck

on 12/27/04 9:53 pm - lisbon, ME
I have 21 days left before my surgery I find myself becoming more nervous with each passing day I have all the confidence in dr d it is just i have had surgery almost go bad before and the thoughts are still there .. I know it is foolish to think like that and that I will be fine with dr d but it is still nerve racking the closer it gets................
melissa F.
on 12/28/04 12:15 am - yarmouth, ME
like i just told the other lady that posted here these feeling are totally normal and you are right for feeling them this is a not a simple surgery and it is something that need to be taken seriously. What helped me the week before surgery is i wrote letters to family and friends anyone i wanted to say things to if i did not make it. I did not want anything to be left unsaid. i think that made me less nervous because i feel all my business was handled and it was not in my hands anymore. I came out great and when i got home i burned the letters in the fireplace lol. You will come out fine and will not regreta thing the first month is the hardest but know you will do great. I have been out 10 months and am down to a size 12 and have lost over a hundred and 130 pounds. I was reborn last march for the better if you need to chat or talk e-mail me anytime.
on 12/28/04 1:36 am
Hey Debby. I understand your nerves, but the best thing to do, is realize its out of your hands. Worrying will only bring up your heart rate and unneeded stress to the whole process. You will be fine, I KNOW YOUR IN GOOD HANDS!!!! The people who helped me were FANTASTIC, and I am only 3 weeks out and would be willling to go through it all again for the results that I am already getting (44 lbs gone). Its human nature to worry, but focus on the positives and try and keep upbeat. The biggest thing I recommend is trying to get good sleep before going in. Cause you don't get much once your there. Travis
on 12/28/04 3:37 am - Millinocket, ME
been there done that keep yourself busy and it will be here and over before you know it. and look my first year is almost here hard to believe it will be a year in March.
on 12/28/04 7:04 am - Me
You have a super surgeon, a not so high BMI, now you just need to keep up a positive attitude! All will be fine, but it is normal to get a bit nervous. Hang in there! Theresa
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