15 Days left - getting a little nervous
Hi Rachel!
I know exactly what you're feeling! Please try to relax, everything will be fine. You'll be on the losing side before you know it! You should have been thinking about how much better you'll feel taking down the tree next year! How much better you'll be feeling and looking next Christmas, just think, this was your final Obese Christmas! Have a VERY Happy NEW Year!
I know it is a scary thing and you worry about all the little things. What helped me is i sat down and i wrote letters to my whole family and friends telling them everything i wanted to say if something happened to me. I know it sounds morbid but the truth is it made me feel so much better because i knew nothing was left unsaid or untaken care of if something happened to me. Then when i came home healthy and happy i burned them all in the fireplace haha. You will come through fine with a new hope on life. The first month is the hardest but after that you will never regret a day of having this surgery. Hang tough e-mail me anytime if you want to talk. I am 10 months out and down 134 pounds and feel absolutley great. I am now a size 12 which i have never been in my whole life. take care