Happy Holiday's to All
so many new names are on this site now. I guess that's what happens when you don't have time to check in now and again
. Another semester from college is over, one more and I'll be in my Junior year. This semester was a tough one, I can only hope the next will take it easy on this ol' brain of mine
. It's hard to believe that I started the process for surgery 2 years ago this month. What wonderful changes have occured for me in that time. A whole new life and out look on life. I have been even looking for what jobs will be available for me when I graduate from Husson. Looks like I may go overseas to Europe with the Civil Service, use my military time towards retirement, means I'll only have to work for 8 years and retire with full benefits. I never imagined these possibities 2 years ago. The future looks so wonderful now.
I hope that each of you has a wonderful holiday and a very special New Year!
Cindy K.

Hi Cindy,
Isn't it amazing how fast time flies! Your letter is filled with inspiration for how this surgery can "give back" and improve our lives when we follow the guidelines.
As I approached my surgery last March, you and many others
who participated in this site and support group in Bangor lifted my spirits and courage to proceed. For that, I am ever thankful.
I have lost 84% of my excess weight and have about 30 pounds more to lose.
I feel like a new person, have no pain, and am off meds. I need to update my photo! LOL How do I do that. Are you there, Theresa!
On Nov 3, I was laid off from my work of 19 years. It was a shock...but everything happens for a reason, and it may be the best thing that ever happened to me. One door closes only to open another.....just like the life changes that come with surgery. I'll keep you posted. Know that exciting things are happening for me.
To my friends and surgery peers, to all who are just beginning the process, to those who are about to have surgery, and to you who have recently begun your new life, I wish you all the blessings that life can bring during this holiday season and the new year.
As always,