Hi can anyone tell me if u had to deal with them and what u needed to get approved..!!
Well i got a referral to the surgeon! finally, and went to my first surport meeting tonight I liked it... it made me feel better =) yay
I met tracie and her husband there awesome people made me feel much much better
Heather, which one were you? I left early from the group because I had a meeting to get to......I don't know which one you were! Sorry, I was thinking that I wanted to introduce myself to you too! Darn! Well, I am glad that you went and that you enjoyed it. I will look forward to seeing you next month.
Hi dee.. I think I saw you ... I was the one that was late LOL.. with the blue jacket.. I loved the meeting but i ended up leaving early because I wasnt feeling so great I went home and went to bed.. I have some questions for you guys ok please answer as much as u can thanks...
1) I am trying to go on a diet, what kind of things is safe to eat, I stopped drinking soda and am drinking water but i just dont know what foods to eat...
2.) does medicare give people a hard time? because thats who I have and I am scared of them turning me down =(...
3.) last question.... after u go to the first meeting, i know there is a group meeting how long after the first meeting do u get that group meeting?
From what I have read about Medicare you should not have a problem. Their requirement is that you have a BMI of over 40. If you have any co-morbidities such as diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure etc. that will also help your case. I believe Maine Care (Medicaid) has the same quidelines. It is interesting to note how the state and federal insurance plans such as medicare and maine care feel this surgery is so beneficial yet the private insurance companies are trying to find ways to stop covering this surgery! I have cigna as a primary insurance and medicare as a secondary insurance. Cigna is stopping their coverage of this surgery effective 2005 nationwide! However, my husbands policy is not renewed until March 1 so if I am lucky I can get my surgery done before that. Good luck to you!
yeah I am scared.. of getting denied, but this is something i am going to fight for... i know i need this, and i know my life needs to change.. i learned alot this past 2 months..thanks everyone.. now i am waiting for the group meeting ... getting somewhere now yay. but i still have a long way to go