So much for December 21st!
Don't be too disappointed. It is for a reason. Once you finally have the surgery, this whole episode will be not a big deal. It seems like such a long time when your going through it. Once it is all said and done it will not me that big of a deal. Besides you will be able to enjoy Christmas! After all December 21st is right there and you would be very tired for the festivities. Try to think positive. Things happen for a reason and it will be OK. Think of how fast a month goes by!
I am so sorry to hear about your delay. Be positive in knowing that the insurance company at least approved you and soon you will be on a way to a better life! I understand your disappointment. I have been informed that Cigna is cancelling all gastric bypass surgery coverage effective 2005! My husbands policy expires 2/28 so I am not sure I will make it in time. I am hoping the bariatric center will be able to work with me on this. I have done all the doctors appts. I just need to work on the pscyh eval (which for me did not go as well) and one other issue regarding allergies to some of the supplements. Best of Luck to you!