Dr Jimminez
Hello Lisa.
Dr. Jimenez did my Gastric Bypass on Sept 16th and he was great. He is a very good doctor with alot of knowledge.
He works out of Aroostook Medical Center and the care I received there was great as well.
I was in the hospital a few days and I have lost about 60 pounds since surgery.
Any more info??
Feel free to email me at [email protected]
Hi there remember me!
I believe we spoke a while back and if I am correct weren't you considering going to Bangor for surgery? I thought you went down there and was going to do some shopping while down there. Did your plans change? Has your insurance authorized payments to have this done in the U.S.?
I just received a letter that I am to fill out some paperwork and they are finally ready to schedule my appointment!
A little anxious and a lot nervous! I know I want to feel better but it is still a scary thought. I submitted my letter for acceptance to the program in July so it has been less than a 4 month wait to get a response. Who knows how long before they actually get my appointment date. But I will take a day at a time.
Anyway, keep me posted on your progress and best of luck!

Hello there Lisa.
Yes I was suppose to go to Bangor but I run into problems with my insurance that was just easier to find another Dr.
Presque Isle turned out to be closer for me so I checked there and the rest is history.
I feel great now and now have my life back.
No matter what happens keep positive and all will be well.
Thanks Lee