New member
I just wanted to say "HI" I was newly banded last week and came across this wonderful site! I was banded 9 days ago and still very bloated and uncomfortable. Then to my horror a few days ago I started having extremely loose bowl problems. No one ever said anything to me about this. IM wondering if this is common or not. I would love to get some help and support from anyone willing. I have to admit Im feeling rather alone in this process, not knowing what to expect next. I guess I thought I would be back to "normal" by now. I had a nurse in the hospital that was banded and she was back to work in 4 days. I am no where near to that point of going to work. I don't dare to be more then 2 feet from my bathroom!!!
I look forward to any suggestions and support
Hi there!
Sorry I cannot help you with your concerns.
I have not done much research on the band because it is not a procedure I can have (due to allergies). However, maybe you should contact your doctor back about this or talk to the nurse that you said had the same procedure done. I would also think that the hospital where you had this done would have some kind of support group so maybe you could find out either from the hospital or from the doctors office that did your procedure.
One thing that I think many of us here at this web site can do though is to be there for whoever needs our support. I hope that with a possible change in your diet you will be able to overcome whatever is causing your problem. I don't know if there are diet restrictions when having the lab band but I know with the gastric there are a lot of restrictions.
Maybe you could talk to a dietician in the area and she or he may be able to suggest some dietary changes that may help you overcome your problem. Best of luck to you and keep us informed of your progress!

Hi Lisa
Thanks for your e-mail. I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday so I will definately ask him about support groups and meeting again with the dietician. Did you have gastric surgery? I think the restrictions are very similar. I am doing much better today, hopefully the worst is over. I think I am just very impatient to get back to my "normal routine". IM starting a new job next week and I am kinda panicking that I won't be well enough to start. I know stress is not going to help me in my healing processes, it only slows things down. I have just come to terms with if Im not well I need to call them and tell them the situation. Perhaps starting a week later will not be a big problem and if it is...well there are other jobs out there! IM letting go and letting God! My new motto!
Thanks again for your help and concern I hope we can chat again
Hi there,
No I did not have any surgery yet. I am on the forever waiting list!
It will be at least a year before I can be considered. In the meantime, I am trying to lose some weight on my own. That should help with the surgery. I did go to a support group (which is a requirement for me). However, I really enjoy attending so I plan to go to others. This support group is from the Maine Bariatrics Center. That is the place where I will have my procedure done. They are affiliated with Maine Medical Center. For now I am seeing a dietician, I have been to a cardiologist, I have been to a liver specialist and am having a sleep study done the first of November. I also go to my PCP to be weighed in monthly to show the insurance companies that I mean business! LOL!
Anyway, just think by the time I finally get my procedure done you will have lost a whole bunch of weight and I am sure feel like a new person!
Best of luck on your new job and glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. I guess everyone heals at their own pace and maybe you just needed more time! Take Care!

I had open bypass, not band, so I can't speak from that angle. I can tell you that I had the same type bowel problems following surgery, it was awful! I don't think it's all that unusual, and my problems only lasted a couple of weeks when I finally felt safe enough to leave my house! I am 3 months out now, and once in a while still have a slight problem there, but it's usually attributed to something I ate. Best of luck with your recovery, and congratulations on having the surgery!