Made it home
Hello All.
I had my surgery Thursday Morning In Presque Isle By Dr. Jiminez and everything went great.
He was actucally going to release me Friday night. But I was complaining of some pain in my BUTT and through examination found some compression sores.(Bed sores I Guess)
But basically I was in so much pain I couldn't sit or lay or travel so I had to stay a couple more days.
I have had virtually no pain in my stomach at all.
He was able to do me laprscopically. Which he didn't think would happen because of my size.
So other than a daily visit by an at home nurse to change gandages on my tush things are great.
Best to all
Congrats on making it to the losing side!
Glad to hear all went well! Keep your chin up and watch yourself melt away in the mirror! My surgery will not happen for at least a year (long waiting list!). Just think by then you will be a new healthier and happier you! Best of luck and may all those plateaus pass you by!
Take Care!