This board has died...
I am here!!!
Summer is such a busy time of year for my family, we camp each and EVERY weekend and sometimes during the week. Plus work here at ObesityHelp is continous, thankfully I LOVE my job.
I wish everyone that lurks, oldies and newbies would give a big old shout out. Hopefully soon we can get this board back to the place it was, I loved all the support we shared with each other.

I'm here!
So sorry I haven't been on in a long time...
I wish I had time to go back and post to all the old posts...
From now on I will try to be on here more often.
I miss all of you!
What's going on with me lately...
This summer my husband had school, took 6 all A's as usual. He's so weird. He was diagnosed with OCD/mild depression and social phobia. Started taking Prozac (vitamin P)...yipee.
Our son was said to possibly have Asperger's Syndrome. (Sort of like Autism)
I have been struggling with getting to the gym lately. Been taking vitamin P too. Starting school tomorrow so I can finally get my diploma after all these years since dropping out of high school.
That's about it. In case anyone didn't know, there is going to be a new meeting added to Bangor's program. It's going to be on the 4th Monday of each month at the HealthCare Mall on Union St. 5-6pm run by Dayna. The other meetings are still the usual first Friday, second Wednesday and third Saturday.
Hope all is well with everyone!
hey all sorry i have not been around in a while i have been reading alot on the board but not posting much need to get out of that habit haha.
I have been making alot of quilts this summer i did a couple for a friend and they loved them and people have been paying me to do it it started off as something to do while recovering from surgery and now i am making something out of it it is pretty cool.
I am now 6 months out man time flys and 110 pounds down and feel great. I will try to get on and post more your right we had such a great board maybe it is just summer and everyone is out and about.