Too long!
Hello: I'm still around but have not posted in a long time. Summer is beginning to fade, so am at my computer a bit more. I feel a big debt to this site so I want to write to share my progress because reading other's ups and downs gave me encourgement to keep working.
I am now officially 9 pounds from Dr. Toder's goal for me--14 from my own goal. Not bad, considering I started this journey on Dec. 4, 2003 with my laposcopic surgery at EMMC.
At almost 9 months out next Saturday, I already have a good appetite and have to work hard to exercise and making good choices on food every day. The surgery does a lot, but then the hard work begins after 9 months for me, for some after 12 months.
I am very happy with the decision I made in May 2003 to seek out information and do the research and to attend many support groups before the surgery.
It has been exciting to watch my progress, to see other's response to the weight loss and most important to the change in my health and over all well being. I can walk three miles without breaking a sweat, can work out at Curves without feeling completely exhausted and do yard work, housework and more on a daily basis.
I have had some down days--mild depression and greiving on the loss of what was a major coping technique(eating my feelings away) and have had to admit to others in support group that I can eat sugar and have had some slips in eating---but have had the sense to get back on the healthy plan fairly quickly. This has all taught me that I need to watch what I eat for the rest of my life, that I need to attend support groups, to exercise as much as possible, to drink a lot (water) and to take vitamins and eat lots of protein daily.
This is lifestyle change and I did not really buy into that in the beginning(right after surgery) but once a few months out and I was able to eat more--can eat almost an entire sandwich now--but still use dessert size plates for meals and that I can eat some unhealthy things--I thought--oops--I really could put the weight back on--do I want to do that after risking my life with drastic surgery--the answer is No and at 51--there are no more diets left that will allow me to live a quality life as I age--so this is it.
Just wanted to share what I've learned as a result of almost 9 months out and 121 pounds lighter.
Jane from Bangor
Thanks for the wonderful insight! At 7 weeks post-op, it's great to hear the reality of the future. It's a wonderful reminder for us "newbies" that surgery is NOT the easy way out and we will have to work at this for the rest of our lives! But, boy, won't it be worth it!
Keep up the good work and you'll be at YOUR goal before you know it!
Kim from Bowdoin

Your words ring so true! My surgery was 2/9/04. I am short so I only have about 80 # to lose altogether and I have lost 50#. The quick weight loss that I experienced early on, has slowed down. My blood sugars and blood pressure have normalized and have so much more energy, but now I have to learn to think like a thin person. The stresses of everyday life have not disappeared so I have to learn new ways of coping with the tough spots in life.
I love the reactions that I get from people but since my weight loss has slowed down I feel uncomfortable with the accolades. I love being able to shop for clothes in any store I want to shop in! I feel more confident in most situations. I don't want to gain any weight back so I think the real work begins now.
So I will keep on keeping on and making better choices on a daily basis. Glad to hear that someone else is in the same boat.