Glad to find this website!
I know what you mean! It has been a great inspiration for me as well. I could spend all day at this site! It is nice to hear that it is possible to get the weight off!
I think that if it weren't for my fear of having the surgery or maybe having complications I could get really excited about the new changes that are ahead. Really looking forward to being able to travel and just plain feel good! Keep up the great work!

Hi Stacey,
I have had three responses and you are the closest one to Trenton.
I have a few relatives in Marivalle. The Dunns. I work for the Trenton Elementary School so I know a few people at the Beech Hill School.
Keep up the good work! I have not craved any food except chocolate at that certain time of the month. I still go to Jordan's snack bar but I don't eat the fried clams anymore!
Keep in touch!