First time I try this - bear with me!
I have been obsessed with reading all the material on this web site. I could spend hours and hours on here and still feel that I need more time! I have recently been looking up information about Bariatric Surgery. I have been physically trapped home now for over three years and I just want to be free once more. I have a son who is going to college. I need to be able to travel to different schools but I cannot at this time. So many other reasons that I could list but I would have to publish a book! HA! Sure you all know about that. My PCP said she normally does not recommend this procedure for those out there that just want a "quick fix". However, I was relieved to hear from her that I was a different story. I have diabetes, fatty liver, plus my physical limitations. She said I was a good candidate and has started the referal process. However, I just found out that it is a year long wait at the Maine Bariatrics Clinic in Scarborough! I was very dissappointed about this and thought about checking elseware. When I started to look up information about Biddefords program I was very distressed to hear on one womans death from this procedure. I realize that this is always a possibility but it seemed too close to home. I have heard a lot of possitive things about Scarborough so I think I just need to take things slow. Any suggestions? I am not sure whether or not I could attend their support groups yet or not. Does anyone know? Anyway, glad to hear about this web site. It makes you feel that you are not alone!
You can go to the support group meetings in Scarborough and check them out! They are a wealth of information.
They have them on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. They request that you either attend one or the other, but not both due to seating limitations.
Although the surgery waiting list IS quite long for Dr. Cobean & Dr. Wolff, there's a good reason for that....... They are both top-notch, excellent doctors.....
Dr. Wolff did my Lap RNY on 5/18/04.

Great to hear that I will be able to check out the support groups!
What time are they? Are they held at the Bariatric Center on Spring Street? Glad to hear some positive news about Dr. Wolff. I only heard of Dr. Cobean. Do the Doctors every show up at these meeting or just some of their staff members? Sorry to slam you with all these questions.
There is so much too learn and since I have to wait so long to see the Doctor I might as well learn as much as I can till then. Thanks for the info.

The meetings are from 6:30 to 8:00, but get there a little early....! They are held in Scarborough on route 1 in one of those buildings that are part of the MMC, where K-Mart used to be( that's where the Bariatric Center was up until June). Usually Dr Cobean & Dr. Wolff take turns attending the meetings. The dietician, Barbara Corriveau is almost always there too...... If you decide to attend one, let me know and I'll be happy to give you more specific directions!
Hi There,
1st of all. How are you doing? I noticed that it has been a little over 3 months since your surgery. Still glad you did it? I bet it feels good to see the weight going!
As far as the meetings - I do know where the buildings are. I go there to see my diabetic doctor in the big one story building as you enter the parking lot next to where Nordx labs are. Are the meetings in that building or in the taller building. Do I need to call the Center to let them know I will be going? About how many people attend these meetings? Do you still go? It would be nice to see someone familiar. I haven't yet figured out how to post my photo (not that I would enjoy anyone seeing it!
) Anyway I think it might be in my best interest to attend one of those meetings. I probably could learn alot from them. Thanks for the info!

I feel great & would do it again in a heartbeat!
It's been 10 weeks since my surgery and I'm down 48 lb's. I've got about 50 more to go!
The support meeting are held in the furthest building down, heading towards So. Portland.... sort of sits downhill and a little away from the rest of the buildings....You don't have to call in advance, just show up! There are sign/out sheets when you enter the building. I do still go to them, probably alway will! I go to the 1st Tuesday of the month ones, (one coming up next week!) I'm not really sure how many actual bodies are there, just that the room fills up fairly quickly....I love to see you there!

I am going to try to attend the meeting on Tuesday. I take care of my mother too so as long as things go smoothly my brother will be taking care of her that night and I will be able to go. So looking forward to going and learning what I can. I know you gave me instructions to get there but I am still not sure what building.
I will try to go early enough to find it. I am never good with directions.
Anyway hope to see you there!

Well it is definite. My brother is taking care of my mom so I will be going. Hope you can make it! I called the Bariatric center and I guess I was not really suppose to attend until later. I told her I wanted to learn more about this before deciding what to do but I wanted to keep my name on the list so she did not see it as a problem. The good news is that now that they have two doctors in the practice it may be less than a years wait!
Anyway, I have to go - talk to ya later!