HI there!!
I went to see a sleep disorders doctor today. He said that he suggested i do the sleep apnea test. I scheduled that ...It will be August 22. I seen the lab and was given some info to read about sleep disorders. I also was weighed and I weigh 323lbs
Not happy about it but know that i havent been doing much as far as diet and exercise. I cant get motivated again..Like i had when I was REALLY trying. I guess the whole delay kind of messed me up. I just wish i coudl get back on track..ANY Suggestions?
I also seen my psychologist today and he said that after our last meeting he now considers me to have seasonal depression. He told me to make an appointment with my family Dr. to see about medication. and ask him if he thinks i coudl benefit from what they call a "light box" Its a light therepy machine..and it stimulates your mind to think its light..I havent done too much research on it so not sure what to expect from it.
He aslo told me that if my doctor agreed with him about the seasonal depression and agreed about medication and the light box that he would write my letter of approval by September alot sooner then Feb or March
. HE also wants me to remain in therapy through it all...Which i think is a good idea. I know that I will have depressive issues after surgery. I just wanted to update you all...
TaKe care,