Glad I'm here!
Heather L.
on 7/22/04 3:07 pm - Limerick, ME
on 7/22/04 3:07 pm - Limerick, ME
Hi to all of you ! I am so thankful that I am here to be able to tell you of my journey in the last 2 months.
I had my bypass surgery on May 24 and it went well. I did great until 1 week after surgery I had a very bad pain in my stomach which radiated into my shoulder and neck and it hurt to even breath deeply. I got chills and a fever of 102. I called my doctor and they put me on antibiotics and the fever came down and stayed at about 100. I started to feel better and was out shopping etc.
However.... I found it hard to take in water and blended food for the next three weeks. I vomited up everything and was miserable. It just kept getting worse but I had no rapid pulse rate so no one thought it was a leak.
We went to visit my family out of state on a Sunday and by Monday we were on our way back and headed to Maine Medical Center. I actually couldn't wait for them to look down into my stomach to see that maybe i had a stricture or something....but what they found was that my stomach had completely detached from my intestine. My body had created a protective encapsulation using other organs and tissue to keep food and bacteria from going into my body cavity. The Doctors had never seen a complete detachment before. My body made that area that held all the poison and I didn't have the symptoms of a leak.
( We believe this was an intervention of God and very miraculous. Lots of people were storming heaven for me too!)
I went into surgery that night and I now have a feeding tube in my intestine and have not had any food or water for a month .
I stayed in the hospital for 5 days .I've been home a month now and feeling better every day.
I just had a few procedures done last week, ( gastric swallow and endoscopy) that reveals that the entire area of poison has shrunk up to a very small size and ihas now become a fibrotic tunnel that connects my stomach and intestine so now I can finally drink clear liquids. I'm really happy about that....I never thought a popcicle would taste so good!
I have to be on the feeding tube for 3 more months until my body really heals up even more.
I have lost 65 pounds and my Dr wants me to loose more so the next surgery will be easy and less risky for me. They want to take out the tunnel and reconnect the stomach and intestine again.
Don't get scared.....this is just something that happened to me and is very rare. I just wanted to share the miricle that this is for me and my family.
My doctor has been great and he is an excellant surgeon who is keeping me under his care until this is all over.
I am grateful that God has given me the grace to walk through this and He kept me alive. In the end.... I know I will have no regrets.
Oh also, I'm off all blood pressure meds and all diabetic meds.
Unbelievable! Amazing what our bodies will do to survive! You are a very lucky person. Yeah!! Congratulations.
Thank you for sharing your story, it is something that people need to hear. Things can happen even after a week or even 2. Listen to your body, call your surgeon, find out what is wrong!
Good luch on continued strength/healing.
Hi Heather
What an amazing journey you have been on. You certainly have an army of angels looking after you. It is amazing how the body will compensate. I am also amazed at your outlook. You have the right attitude to beat this. You are a real trooper....
Enjoy the popsicles. Good Luck to you.
I am so very happy that things turned out the way they did for you.
Not all of us are this lucky even with God's help and believe He was there all the way.
I think the reason that it seems to be very rare is because those of us who gone through hell have to learn to deal with it ourself, before we can
share with others. And this can take time.
I sincerely apologize if I am raining on anyone's parade. It is not my goal to make anyone uncomfortable about what they want to do.
Thank you for listening.
Wow! I read your story and I must admit angels were definitely here for you through this tough time! I am considering Gastric Bypass Surgery and I was wondering if you still feel it was worth it after everything you went and are still going through? My PCP doctor has sent a referral to the same doctor as you. I must admit though that I am more nervous now than ever after reading your story. I did read another story of a woman who lost her life from her procedure that was done in Biddeford. I so much want a better life than I have now with the freedom to travel and not feel so uncomfortable all the time. Though sometimes I tell myself that there are others out there that are much worse than me and maybe I should just appreciate what I have. Tough call - I am just trying to read as many stories out there as I can in hopes of making the right decision. Is Doctor Cobean going to do the other surgery? How have you been handling being on a feeding tube all this time? I think one of the things that will be difficult is not being able to eat the foods I have always enjoyed. However, I feel that food in one way has been an enemy and has taken away so much from my life. Eating to live should be much better than living to eat. I admire your courage and strength! I will pray that everything gets better for you and that the next procedure goes smoothly.
Hey Heather!
Glad to see you're up to posting! You've really been thru the mill with this, but I know from corresponding with you that you still feel that Dr. Cobean is the greatest & I agree! Both him & Dr. Wolff are excellent.
This was SUCH a flukey thing to have happen.... it's certain that the powers higher up have been watching over you and have bigger plans for you! Keep me posted.