Update on Therapy!!!
I wanted to let you all know what i found out today in therepy. My therapist had said a few sessions ago that he was leaning toward saying yes to me about going ahead with the process..He asked me if "I" thought it was a good time now. I looked back over the past few years and my depression is worse from about fall to early Feb. I said by te time i were to have surgery if i did now..It woudl probably be mid-fall or so(just estimating). Not a good time for me. He also wants to be sure that i have a strong support system. If i had surgery now my husband wouldnt be able to take time off from work and that is a must. Sooo... once again..Sighhh..I am gonna hold off!!! I know I want surgery but I want it to be the RIGHT time. Now really is not...Fall will soon be here and that is the worst time for me and my depression.!!! My therapist told me that i should check into a light box...He said it is a very effective way to try to get through my depression without medications wihich has not been very effective for me in the past.
He also asked me abotu support groups for the sirgery..I said there is one once a month here and then there are 3 in Bangor, HE asked me to call the head of dieticians to see if someone had soem training with Gastric Bypass that would be willing to do another one here..so that would be 2 for our area. I thought that sounded like a good idea. What do other locals think?
I mean Dr Jimenez also has his patients go trhough a process and they see a dietician here, they have a nutrition appt, and they see a psych..So why couldn't we have another group??? Let me know what other Northern Mainers think... Chat wth ya all later!!!
You have been down a long hard road girl and are doing great because you are dealing with your problems head on. A few months ago you were upset saying you could not have it and now you are thinking it through and saying i am going to wait a bit longer and that is ok because you have to be commited 100%.
Support is very important and i am glad theat when you decide to have it your husband is going to support you. Know you always have your friends and big OH family hee if you need anything. E-mail me anytime girly.