I was wondering who attended the support group meeting at TAMC last night? I, unfortunately did not make it. I ended up with a terrible headache and slept most of the day. Last week was rough for me, and all the emotions and lack of sleep caught up with me. I could probably count on one hand what I had all last week to eat. My bad. There was just so much going on. I woke up yesterday at 3:45pm and knew it was too late to get to the meeting.
For those of you that attended, how did it go?
We also have the month to find a place to have the August meeting. Please post any ideas and we can go from there.
Have a great week. By the way, my headache is gone...THANK GOD!!

Hi Kelley
We were five individuals that showed up. Two that had had surgery and three that are in the process or are interested in the process. It was great. Sorry you weren't there - we missed ya. It would be great if someone who had had the Lap Band process could attend - it would certainly help one individual.
The conversation was great and so was the company.
I suggested that we meet at Mantle Lake Park for the August 16th support group meeting.
I was hoping we would have a bigger attendance. We shall see at the next one.