4 week mark
Hello all. I am nearing my 4 week mark. In the first 3 weeks I lost a total of 27 1/2 lbs, but this past week I have only lost an additional 3 lbs. I feel like I've hit a brick wall. I'm doing all of the things that I'm supposed to so I don't understand. I also can't even seem to get out of my own way. I mean i have such the blah's. I know I should feel good about how far I've come but i don't. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I know this is easier said than done, but don't get discouraged. I went through that several times and freaked out every time it happened because I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I even went as far as to write down EVERYTHING I ate and drank for 2 weeks and took it to my dietician and asked her what I was doing wrong--turns out I was doing nothing wrong. Your body gets to the point where it needs to play "catch-up" and you might not lose at all or as fast for a week or so, sometimes a little longer---but you WILL start losing again. Just keep on doing what your surgeon/dietician tell you to do and you will be fine. I went through a stage in the first 5 months after surgery where I didn't lose an ounce for almost 6 weeks, but then I started losing again. I went through a couple times like that actually, but the weight still came off in the end. I am 10 1/2 months post-op now and have lost 116lbs. Also, during the time when you aren't losing pounds, you are more than likely losing inches. Try not to get discouraged and enjoy your journey!

You sound really normal to me Julie. It seems many people do not lose or lose very little between weeks 2 and 4. I know I sure didnt.
As for feeling blah, many get a depression after surgery. Sometimes it lasts sometimes it doesnt. Be sure not to just let it go, if it does not get better please see you PCP. You do not have to go on feeling that way.
As for the weight loss, congrats! That is a wonderful amount to lose, sounds like you are doing fantastic. The weight loss WILL pick up. You are just at the begining of your journey, you are in for quite a ride.
Good luck!