question about...
Hi, I am in the process of applying for the gastric bypass surgery. I am waiting to meet with dr. clough now. But i was wondering for those who have been through the process and or in the you (before surgery) ever have doubts or seconds thoughts on whether you should go through with it or gone through it? Just wondering. I really want to get healthier and lose some weight but sometimes i overly worry about whether i can do it. Ok thanks
Hi Jolie,
I personally never had 2nd thoughts. By the time I had made the call to get the process started I was positive I wanted wls.
I just had my 1yr anniversary and am more then thrilled with what I have accomplished but hope to accomplish even more.
It is very normal to worry about whether you can do it or not. Lord knows I worried enoug and at times still do. Sounds silly but I guess because I and just about 100% of MO people have lost weight and gained it all back we cant help but thinking we will be a failure in this also. I am getting backbone and assuring myself I will not gain it back, I will keep the weight off come heck or high water.
WLS is a very personal choice, only you can decide if you are ready for it or not. Make sure you do it for yourself.
If you ever have questions or just need a bit of support please feel free to email me.
Have a great day!

Hi Jolie,
I had alot of emotions running through my head as I was going through all my appointments. I surely had doubts over and over again. I did know however that I did not have the dicipline to lose the weigt on my own. I tried all the fad diets and got nowhere with it all. I was not happy with who I was because of my weight and I was develping more health problems as time progressed.
I made up my mind I was going to go throught the appointments regardless of my final decision. I did have alot of fears and many doubts. I eventually ended up become anxious to have it all over and done with. My heart used to skip a beat when I would see sucess stories. I wanted to get my life back. I was not nervous going into the surgery, I managed to put all the negative out of my mind. I am not sorry that I went through with it now.
But you will figure it out for yourself just listen to your heart & head
Take Care