I am back from vacation!
Hi Everyone!
I am back from a weeks worth of camping for those of you that might of noticed I was gone.
I would have stayed longer but our phone was not put in so I had to come home to use the PC.
Would have been nice to work from camp while DH had fun with the kids but oh well
cant have everything in life I guess.
We had a wicked good week, walked a bunch, swam some, laid on the beach and got a bit of a tan (something pretty much unheard of a year ago) danced with the kids in front of everyone without feeling foolish and ran around like a child loving it all! I even had some one I have sort of known there for a few years tell me how "hot" I am.
I laughed at that one, but later when we were at a campsite with friends, everyone but the kids there and DH and I were drinking, this same guy had me do a twirl so everyone could see what he called his favorite assest of mine!! MY BUTT!!!
A year ago I would NEVER EVER have thought my butt could be called an asset. DH says I hardly have a butt. I was LOVING IT!!!
Last year I was just getting back from a weeks worth of camping, getting ready to go to surgery on the 15th. This year has flown, seems just the other day I was a newbie post op. So many changes have taken place, most for the good thankfully. I am not sure what my weight is today because I weighed myself hours after I got up and I only take the first weight of the day as truth. When I did get on the scale it said 140, I was 139 when I left, so I am thinking I did not gain weight. THAT is good, but I was hoping to of lost a bit. Oh well, vacation is for fun.
I really did do well on my eating, I did not stick to the right choices all the time, I had chips, pizza, 1/4 cup soft serve icecream and such, but it really did show me how much my eating has changed. I did not want all the stuff I would have ate last year when we were at camp for the week. My favorite dish was the homemade chilli. CHILLI? HUH?
Last year it was the french fries, onion rings and fried dough.
We had friends down for a day, I cooked tons of food for them and then ended up eating a salad, not because I had to, but because I wanted too! Yeah for me!!!!
This journey is quite a trip, one I am VERY glad I ventured on. Yes, I would do it again!
Big shout out to all those that I have not talked to, sorry I have not personally emailed you back or even emailed you at all, but today was VERY busy.