Just an update
Hello All
Just to give you an update. It has been 9 weeks since surgery and I have lost 51 lbs. I am very pleased to date. I am more active than I have been in a long time. I am swimming 3 days per week and started a weight training program in a fitness center, 2 days per week. I feel great.
The only thing I have been experiencing lately is I am tired on the inside - does this sound right??
I am back at work full time. Maybe that has something to do with it, afterall I had surgery only two months ago.
Seems like everybody must be on vacation. :l0l: Not much action on the message board.
Have a great summer. I'll try to post again soon.

Hi Nancy!
Your doing wonderful! And you thought you were at a stand still. I am plugging along with 45lbs gone. There are times I feel tired. But not as tired as before. I am getting more energy day by day. I am not exercising as much as I would like to be. I had my blood work done and everything is now normal. i was so pleased. My sugars are finally down and my thyroid is now in check. The first time in four years. I am grateful for that alone.
I hope you start to feel better soon. Have you had your blood work checked? maybe your laqcking in your B12 or something.
Take Care